Richard I Allton's Compositions

5054 Addington Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 525)

(324567) I F W M B V H (25364) - 273546 3 - 325647 3 2 - 32645 - - 26345 3 2 537246 - 3 253647 - 2 437265 - 3 234567 - 3* 3*=bbs. Start from treble snap.

Rung at West Bridgford on Tue 2nd Jul 1996 conducted by Ian Butters.
Rung at Blackburn, St Jude on Sat 3rd Oct 2015 conducted by David C Brown.
Home Printable Version

5024 Dark Skies Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2190)

234567 I F W M B V H 352764 - 573624 - 426357 - - - 234756 - 3 (372546) - 372546 3 562347 - - - (35642) 2 - (35426) - - 34256 - 2 63542 - 2 35642 - - 56342 - - (64523) - (64235) - - (36524) 2 2 - (62534) - - 45236 - - 23456 - -

Contains 65 combination rollups, 18 56s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 8 2468s, 34 four bell runs at the back, with Queens.
Rung at Meldreth on Fri 5th Sep 2014 conducted by Derek E Sibson.
Home Printable Version

5024 Dark Skies Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2192)

234567 I F W M B V H 325764 - s 253467 - s 53246 - - 63542 2 35642 - - 56342 - - 62534 - 2 25634 - - 56234 - - 63254 2 32654 - - (25346) - (54326) - - 63425 - - 26435 - 64235 - - 42635 - - 234756 - 3 (372546) - 372546 3 234567 - - 3

Contains 67 combination rollups, 18 56s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s at the back, and 7 8765s at the front, with Queens.
Home Printable Version

5024 Dark Skies Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2193)

234567 I F W M B V H 325764 - s 253467 - s 53246 - - 25634 - - 62453 - - 46325 - - (63425) - 2 2 (32465) - - 42635 - - - 234756 - 3 (372546) - 372546 3 (352647) - 2 (54326) - 2 (56234) - 3 23564 - - (36245) - (36452) - - (36524) - - 34256 - 3 42356 - - 23456 - -  

Contains 62 combination rollups, 18 56s, 12 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s at the back, with Queens.
Home Printable Version

5088 Dark Skies Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2191)

234567 I F W M B V H 352764 - 573624 - 426357 - - - 234756 - 3 (372546) - 372546 3 645237 - - - (64235) - - (36524) 2 2 - 62534 - - 25634 - - 56234 - - (35642) 2 - (35426) - - 34256 - 2 (34562) - - (34625) - - 62345 - - (45236) 2 23456 - -

Contains 67 combination rollups, 18 56s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 8 2468s at the back, with Queens.
Home Printable Version

5120 Dark Skies Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2189)

234567 I F W M B V H 42635 - - 234756 - 3 (372546) - 372546 3 524367 - 2 64352 2 - - (64523) - - (42563) - - (64235) - 2 62345 2 2 2 23645 - - 56342 - - (56423) - - (56234) - - 23456 2 - 3

Contains 68 combination rollups, 18 56s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 32 four bell runs.
Home Printable Version

5152 Dark Skies Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2188)

234567 I F W M B V H 34256 2 (45362) - 52364 - 2 (26543) - 64523 - - 357624 - 563427 - 36245 - 3 26543 - 357246 - 352647 - - 473526 2 - 453627 3 2 237465 - 3 234567 - -

Contains 64 combination rollups, 18 56s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 7 2468s, 42 four bell runs at the back, with Queens, Tittums.
Also true to Addington Surprise Major, Eatonville Surprise Major.
Also true to:
Addington Surprise Major
Eatonville Surprise Major
Home Printable Version

5088 Eire Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 W M B H 42356 - (42563) - - 35246 s - - (53642) s s - 62354 s s - (62543) - - 35264 s - - (53264) s - - (35462) s s - (56234) s - 23564 - - 3 part.

Contains 93 crus.
Home Printable Version

5024 Elswick Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2487)

234567 I F W M B V H 325764 - s 735264 - 3 275346 - s (524367) - - (35264) - 2 34562 2 - 46325 - 537426 - 534627 - - 247563 - 452367 - 45362 - - 64352 - 456723 - 574263 - 352647 - 2 - 427365 - 234567 - 3

Contains 24 56s, 8 7568s, 24 8765s, 6 2468s, 98 four bell runs at the back, and 36 combination rollups, 8 56s, 8 65s, 6 8765s, 18 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Whittingtons.
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 4th Dec 2018.
Home Printable Version

5024 Hartlepool Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2971)

234567 I F M B V H 325764 - s 253467 - s 53246 - - (34625) 2 - 64523 - 357624 - 573426 - s 352647 s - 427365 - 342567 - 2 473526 - - 463725 3 - 674523 - 756243 - 534627 - - 2 247563 - 452367 - 45362 - - 237465 - 234567 - -

Contains 50 combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 65s, 12 7568s, 18 8765s, 3 near misses, 72 four bell runs at the back, and 30 combination rollups, 9 56s, 9 65s, 9 8765s, 35 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Backrounds.
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 5th Mar 2024.
Home Printable Version

5024 Heptonstall Delight Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2208)

234567 I F W M B V H 325764 - s 253467 - s 65243 2 52643 - - 62345 - 23645 - - 342756 - 3 (473526) - 473526 3 (234567) - - - 64352 - - (43652) - 2 2 56432 - s (65234) s s - 35264 s ss 34256 - - 2 23456 3 -

Contains 74 combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s at the back, and 30 combination rollups, 12 56s, 10 65s, 10 8765s at the front, with Queens, Backrounds.
Home Printable Version

5024 Heptonstall Delight Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2209)

234567 I F W M B V H 325764 - s 253467 - s 65243 2 52643 - - (52436) - - (23456) - - 62354 2 s 63254 ss s 32564 - - s 42563 s (64235) 2 - 23645 - - 342756 - 3 (473526) - 473526 3 234567 - 3 - -

Contains 82 combination rollups, 16 56s, 6 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 30 four bell runs at the back, and 28 combination rollups, 12 56s, 10 65s, 6 8765s at the front, with Queens.
Home Printable Version

5088 Irnham Delight Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2713)

234567 I F W M B V H 325764 - s 253467 - s 53246 - - 23645 - 34256 - - 2 (45362) - 64523 2 - 357624 - 563427 - 23564 - - - 56234 - - 473526 - 2 - 463725 3 - 674523 - 756243 - 453627 - - 237465 - 3 234567 - -

Contains 44 combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 54 four bell runs at the back, and 28 combination rollups, 10 56s, 10 65s, 9 8765s, 33 four bell runs at the front, with Queens.
Rung at Haselbech on Wed 12th Oct 2022.
Home Printable Version

5024 Kemnal Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 1657)

234567 I F W M B H 42635 - - 234756 - 3 (372546) - 372546 3 623457 - - - - (24653) - 64352 - 56342 - 357246 - - - (64235) - 2 45362 2 2 - (56423) - (56234) - - (35642) 2 - (35426) - - 23456 - 3

Contains 75 crus, with 21 each 5678, 7568, 8765, with Tittums and Queens.
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 28th Feb 2006.
Home Printable Version

2011 Little Bob Major
by Richard I Allton

(3125476) W B H 134256 x 2 132546 - 2 142365 s - - | 126345 2 3 | 143265 - s |A 136245 2 3 | 132465 - 2 | 132654 A 153246 s - 2* 123456 2 4* Start with rounds as the 5th change of the lead. x=345678. 2*=bs, 4*=sbbs.

Contains 120 combination rollups, 24 56s, 16 65s at the back, with Tittums.
Home Printable Version

5040 Little Bob Major
by Richard I Allton

234567 I F W M B H 62435 - s 42536 ss - 234765 - 372645 - 426357 - 2* 234756 - 372546 - 524367 - 2 42356 2 3 - 6 part, calling single halfway and end. 2*=bs.

Contains 104 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 48 four bell runs.
Home Printable Version

5048 Little Bob Major
by Richard I Allton (No 555)

234567 I F W B M V H 372645 - 3 s 352647 3 s 3 427365 - 3 423567 - - 725346 s 2 375246 - 3 235746 - 3 725364 - s 3 572346 s - 623457 s s s 3 23465 s 2 574236 [- s s 364257 s s 36254 -] - 3 3 427356 - 3 423657 - - 52346 s s 3 32456 s -s 2 part, replacing bracketted calls by 3W in part 2.

Rung at Beeston on Fri 20th Dec 1996.
Home Printable Version

5136 Little Bob Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I/V W M B H 34256 2 64352 2 54362 s 43562 x 36452 - 64235 x (25436) 2 62534 2 s 42536 s 32546 s 25346 x 52346 x s (24563) - (46325) s - (46253) - - 32645 s s s 6 part.

Contains 144 combination rollups.
Home Printable Version

5088 Mapperley Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I/V W M B 42356 2x (26435) - 2 (34625) 3 2 2 23645 -   3 part.

Contains 72 crus.
Home Printable Version

5088 Morganite Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I/V W M B H 34256 x (45362) - (52436) - 2 (23456) - - 43652 - 26435 - - - (26354) - - 36452 - 23564 - 2   3 part.

Contains 105 combination rollups, with 75 off front
Home Printable Version

5184 Morganite Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 777)

23456 I/V W M B 42635 - - 26435 x 42563 - - 54326 - - 35642 - - 35264 - 2 - 52364 x 23564 x   3 part.

Contains 96 cru's. A Twin Bob composition!

Rung at Stotfold on Sat 26th Feb 2000 conducted by Ian Butters.
Home Printable Version

5184 Morganite Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I/V W M B H 42356 2x (25346) - - 63542 - - (63425) - - (32465) - - 26435 - - 64235 x (64352) - - (42635) - 2 23645 - -   3 part.

Contains 102 combination rollups.
Home Printable Version

5088 Napsbury Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I/V W M B H 34256 x (45632) s - (54326) s - (54623 - s - 42536 s - s 35426 s 2 (25643) - s - 36524 s - - 23564 -   3 part.

Contains 132 combination rollups.
Home Printable Version

5088 Napsbury Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I/V W M B H 42356 2x (25346) - - 63542 - - 56234 - - (56423) - 2 - 34625 - - (42635) - - 23645 - -   3 part.

Contains 90 combination rollups.
Home Printable Version

5184 Newmarket Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 713)

23456 I/V W M B H 34256 x 24536 - - - 25346 - 2 63542 - - 63425 - - 34625 x 23645 -   3 part.

Contains 102 cru's.
Rung at West Bridgford on Mon 8th Mar 1999.
Home Printable Version

5120 Pearl Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I/V W M B 34256 x (45362) - (64523) 2 - (64235) - - (42365) - - 23564 - 35264 x   5 part.

Contains 70 combination rollups.
Home Printable Version

5152 Pearl Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

234567 I F W M B V H 352764 - 573624 - 426357 - - - 52436 3 2 (35264) 2 - 372546 3 - 352647 3 2 3 427365 - 3 234567 - 3

Contains 57 combination rollus, with 21 each 5678, 6478, 8765, 7568, 12 56s off front and Queens
Home Printable Version

5184 Silchester Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I V O H 43652 - - 42635 - - 45623 - - 62345 2 - 24365 - 53246 2 - 56234 - - 26435 - - 32465 2 35426 - - 64352 2 - 34256 - - 24653 - - 23645 - - 3 part. 6ths place calls.

Contains 90 combination rollups.
Home Printable Version

5184 Thorium Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 W M B H 24356 s (42563) s - 52364 - 32456 s - ss (25634) s - (53426) s - 46532 - s - (46325) - - 23645 s s 3 part.

Contains 108 combination rollups.
Home Printable Version

5152 Trumpington Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

234567 I F W M B H 42635 - - 34625 - 3 52436 2 2 (35264) 2 - 56234 2 3 35264 - 3 3 427365 - 3 234567 - 3

Contains 61 combination rollups and 18 7568s.
Home Printable Version

5152 Trumpington Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

234567 I F W M H 45236 - - 23645 2 - 3 42635 - 3 25346 2 2 - 32546 3 - 273546 s - 435267 s 472536 s 2 532467 s - 52436 - 2 23456 2  

Contains 67 combination rollups, with 21 8765s
Home Printable Version

5120 Upchurch Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2545)

234567 I F W M B V H 275346 - - - 357246 s s 523647 - 35426 - - 647325 - 436527 - (35426) - 34256 - 2 (45362) - (64523) 2 - 64523 3 357624 - 563427 - 473526 - - 453627 3 2 237465 - 3 234567 - -

Contains 18 56s, 2 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 7 2468s, 66 four bell runs at the back, and 6 8765s, 10 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Tittums, Whittingtons.
Home Printable Version

5184 Valbourne Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I/V W M H 43526 2 - 32546 2 25346 x 35642 - 56342 x 35264 - - 23564 2x   3 part.

Contains 84 combination rollups.
Home Printable Version

5056 Vimy Ridge Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2470)

234567 I F W M B V H 325764 - s 253467 - s 53246 - - (34625) 2 - (35264) - 3 473526 2 - 463725 3 - 674523 - 756243 - 453627 - - 3 64352 - 456723 - 574263 - 352647 - 2 - 427365 - 234567 - 3

Contains 50 combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 65s, 6 7568s, 18 8765s, 68 four bell runs at the back, and 36 combination rollups, 12 56s, 12 65s, 10 8765s, 48 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Backrounds.
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 2nd Oct 2018.
Home Printable Version

5184 Woodmancote Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton

23456 I/V W M B 35264 - |A 23564 2x   | 23645 A (34625) - - (42635) - - 62534 - 25634 x (53624) - - 63425 - 46532 - - (46325) - - 24365 - 32465 2x   2 part,

Contain 130 combination rollups.
Home Printable Version

5088 Yapton Marsh Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 2414)

234567 I F W M B H (35264) - 25634 - - - (53246) - 23645 - 342756 - 3 (473526) - 473526 3 645237 - 2 - (64235) - - (43265) - - (64352) - 2 (56423) 2 - 46325 - (63425) - 2 2 42563 2 - 23456 - 2 - 2

Contains 60 combination rollups, 22 56s, 18 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 56 four bell runs at the back, and 26 combination rollups, 8 56s, 5 65s, 9 8765s, 25 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds.
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 6th Feb 2018.
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