5088 Arsenic Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
64235 - - -
43652 -
65432 - -
53624 -
62534 - -
23564 2 3
3 part. 75 crus. 5056 Ashtead Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
34256 2
32546 - 2
53624 - -
53246 - -
25634 - -
32654 - 3
46325 - - -
32465 - -
2 part. Contains 74 combination rollups. 5088 Ashtead Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
42356 -
53246 2 2
53462 - -
24365 - -
24653 - -
23645 - - 2
3 part. Contains 90 combination rollups. 5184 Ashtead Surprise Major 23456 O I V H
64352 - 2 -
43652 -
25346 - -
32546 2
26543 - - -
36245 -
23645 2
3 part. 6ths place calls.
Contains 126 crus. 13440 Ashtead Surprise Major 23456 M H
34256 2
62453 - -
46325 x
53624 - -
43526 2 3
36524 - 2
45623 - -
5 part. x=16. 144 cru's. The extent with the tenors together. 5184 Belper Surprise Major 23456 B W V/F M H
64235 - - -
64352 - 2
36245 - -
62345 - x -
62453 - -
62534 - -
53624 - -
34625 - x -
23645 -
3 part. 72 crus. 5088 Brewood Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
42635 - -
42356 - -
43526 - 2
53246 2 -
45236 -
45362 - -
23564 - -
3 part.
Contains 72 crus. 5056 Bulwell Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
45236 - -
62534 3 - -
53624 - [-
65432 - -
36524 - 2]
23564 -
3 part, omitting bracketted
calls in last part. Rung at Bulwell on Fri 22nd Nov 1991. 5024 Butt Delight Major 234567 B M W F I H
64352 - -
52364 3 -
64235 2
23645 - -
342756 - 3
473526 -
362457 3 - 2
357246 - -
235647 - 2
56234 - -
56342 - -
64523 -
35426 - -
23456 - 3
Contains 69 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 8 2468s, 45 four bell runs at the back, and 13 combination rollups, 3 56s, 3 65s at the front, with Queens, Tittums. 5088 Causey Arch Delight Major 234567 B W I V M F H
34256 3 2
45362 -
56342 2
64523 -
357624 -
(563427) -
473526 - - 3
235647 2 - -
(457236) 2 s
357246 s
352647 - -
237465 2 -
234567 3 - -
Contains 51 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 72 four bell runs at the back, and 35 combination rollups, 9 56s, 6 65s, 9 8765s, 30 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Tittums, Whittingtons, Backrounds. 5152 Diamond Surprise Major 23456 W M H
23465 4*
46235 - -
65243 - 3*
26534 3 2*
56432 3 -
35426 - s
45623 -
62435 - 2+
23456 2 3 s
s=1256. 4*=bbsb, 3*=bsb, 2*=bs, 2+=sb. Contains 70 combination rollups, 11 65s at the back, and 50 combination rollups, 12 56s, 10 65s at the front, with Backrounds. 5184 Erbium Surprise Major 23456 B W T V M H
43652 -
43526 - -
26354 s s
32465 - - -*
6 part, calling -* in alternate parts. Contains 24 56s and 65s, with 12 8765s and 8756s. 5152 Giotto Surprise Major 2345678 1 4 6 H
7823456 3 - - 3
5678234 - -
3456782 3 - -
8234567 - - 3
6782345 - - 3
4567823 - -
2345678 3 - - 3
Contains 32 combination rollups, 24 56s, 8 7568s, 24 8765s, 128 four bell runs at the back, and 30 combination rollups, 13 56s, 1 65s, 13 8765s, 66 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds. 5088 Gold Surprise Major 23456 B W V/F M H
34256 2
24653 -
24536 - -
53624 3 2
62534 - -
23564 ss - -
3 part. Contains 78 combination rollups. 5024 Holt Delight Major 5024 Holt Delight Major
234567 B W I M F H
352764 -
573624 -
342567 - 2
36245 - - 2
52364 - - -
64235 2
23645 - -
342756 - 3
473526 -
(236457) 3 -
56342 - -
56423 - -
34562 - - -
46325 -
53462 - - -
36524 -
45362 - - -
23564 - -
45236 - - -
23456 - -
Contains 76 combination rollups, 24 56s, 12 65s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 8 2468s, 35 four bell runs at the back, and 54 combination rollups, 12 56s, 12 65s, 8 8765s at the front, with Queens, Backrounds. 5086 Ipswich Surprise Major (324567) B W I M F H
34256 s
53246 - ss
42536 - s
372546 s
263457 2 - s
42365 - ss
537246 2 -
352647 ss - s
63254 - ss
32564 2 s
23645 - s
342756 - ss
473526 -
452367 - s s
23456 - -
Start from treble backstroke snap. Rung at Bulwell on Fri 28th Jun 1991. 5184 Ivory Surprise Major 23456 B W V/F M H
46352 s -
64523 2x s
46235 - s
23465 - -
35462 - x -
34625 2x - s
42356 -
3 part. Contains 74 cru's. 5056 Jovium Surprise Major 234567 B W I V M F H
34256 2
45362 -
64352 - - - -
56342 -
64523 -
357624 -
(563427) -
473526 - - 3
463725 -
247563 - - -
674523 - -
756243 -
(463725) -
523647 - - 2
357246 - -
237465 - - 2 -
234567 3 - -
Contains 21 56s, 21 7568s, 21 8765s, 74 four bell runs at the back, and 32 combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 65s, 18 8765s, 62 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Backrounds. 5056 June Surprise Major 234567 B W I V M F H
34256 2
34562 - -
53246 - -
45362 - 2
56342 2
64523 - 3
357624 -
(563427) -
473526 - - 3
235647 2 - -
56234 - -
237465 - 2 -
(342567) 3 -
23645 - -
23456 - -
Contains 38 combination rollups, 15 56s, 3 65s, 18 7568s, 15 8765s, 52 four bell runs at the back, and 27 combination rollups, 10 56s, 10 65s, 7 8765s, 31 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds. 5152 Kinetic Surprise Major 234567 B W I V M F H
35264 -
427365 -
423567 - -
25463 -
347265 -
342567 - -
45362 -
456723 - -
574263 -
643527 -
56342 -
64523 -
34625 2
357624 3 - -
(563427) -
473526 - - 3
237465 2 -
234567 - -
Contains 40 combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 3 near misses, 66 four bell runs at the back, and 40 combination rollups, 18 56s, 6 65s, 18 8765s, 56 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds. 5152 King Charles III Delight Major 234567 B W I M F H
352764 -
573624 -
647253 2
(426357) -
357624 - - -
(563427) -
45362 - 3
56342 2
64523 -
34625 2
342756 - - 3
473526 -
236457 3 -
42635 -
23456 - 3
Contains 40 combination rollups, 12 56s, 12 65s, 12 7568s, 12 8765s, 40 four bell runs at the back, and 32 combination rollups, 15 56s, 9 65s, 15 8765s, 48 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Backrounds. 5024 Morville Delight Major 234567 B W I M F H
64352 - -
357246 - 2 -
352647 - -
25463 -
34625 3
342756 - - 3
473526 -
236457 3 -
64523 2 -
56342 - -
52364 - - 2
26435 2 -
63254 -
23456 - 3
Contains 65 combination rollups, 18 56s, 5 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 7 2468s at the back, and 14 combination rollups, 6 56s, 6 65s, 9 8765s at the front, with Queens, Tittums, Backrounds. 5030 Mysocanthi Surprise Major (4312567) B W I V M F H
134256 vhs
145362 -
1456723 - -
1574263 -
1643527 -
156342 -
164523 -
154326 -
1357624 3 2 -
(1563427) -
1473526 - - 3
1463725 -
1674523 -
1756243 -
(1463725) -
1237465 - -
1562347 - - - -
1427365 - -
1234567 -
Start with rounds as the 27th row of the lead. Also have a special call 1234 at change 28 of the first lead. Contains 36 combination rollups, 17 56s, 5 65s, 12 7568s, 18 8765s, 3 near misses, 74 four bell runs at the back, and 36 combination rollups, 8 56s, 8 65s, 8 8765s, 38 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds. 5152 Natrium Surprise Major 234567 W T V M F H
45236 - -
62345 2 s s
42365 s ss
63245 s s
53246 s
375246 - s 3
245367 ss s -
472536 - s
325467 ss s
374526 2 s
364527 s 3
52436 s s -
23456 2
Contains 64 combination rollups, 16 56s, 16 65s, 6 7568s, 12 8765s, 18 2468s, 36 four bell runs at the back, and 34 combination rollups, 13 56s, 8 65s, 17 8765s, 24 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Whittingtons, Backrounds. 5184 Newark Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
34256 2
24653 -
24536 - -
43652 2 -
43526 - -
52436 - -
64523 - - -
64235 - -
64352 - -
23645 - - -
3 part. Contains 63 combination rollups. 5120 Oldfaffalott Surprise Major 234567 B W I V M F H
34256 2
34562 - -
46325 -
53462 - - -
36524 -
45236 - -
45362 - -
456723 - -
574263 -
643527 -
56342 -
64523 -
357624 -
(563427) -
473526 - - 3
235647 2 - -
36245 [-
52364 - -] -
357246 - -
237465 - - 2 -
234567 - -
Contains 51 combination rollups, 22 56s, 14 65s, 6 7568s, 18 8765s, 68 four bell runs at the back, and 34 combination rollups, 9 56s, 9 65s, 13 8765s, 33 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Backrounds. 5184 Oxygen Surprise Major 23456 B M H
35264 -
34562 2 -
63425 - 2
63254 - -
63542 - -
32546 - 2
52643 -
52436 - -
23564 -
3 part. Contains 81 combination rollups. 5088 Phosphorus Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
64235 - - -
36245 -
36452 - -
36524 - -
24536 3 -
43265 - 3
43652 - -
43526 - -
52436 - -
23564 -
3 part. Contains 105 combination rollups. 5086 Queen Eleanor Surprise Major (324567) B W I T V M F H
24356 2
63245 - s s
43265 s 3
62345 s s
23546 s 2
372546 - s
274536 ss -
473526 ss -
463725 -
674523 -
756243 -
(463725) -
425367 2 - s
52346 2 -
23456 2 s
Start from treble backstroke snap. Contains 95 combination rollups, 23 56s, 24 65s, 6 7568s, 18 8765s, 32 four bell runs at the back, and 57 combination rollups, 17 56s, 13 65s, 17 8765s, 32 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds. 5088 Raunds Surprise Major 234567 B W I V F M H
23564 - -
357246 2 s s
352647 - -
427365 -
423567 - -
25463 -
347265 -
342567 - -
45362 -
56342 2
64523 -
(64523) 3
357624 -
(563427) -
473526 - - 3
237465 2 -
234567 - -
Contains 24 56s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 72 four bell runs at the back, and 30 combination rollups, 10 56s, 8 65s, 10 8765s, 32 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Tittums, Whittingtons, Backrounds. 5056 Rebecca Delight Major 234567 B W I V F M H
52364 - 2
357246 - -
427365 - - -
342567 - 2
45362 -
64352 - - - -
56342 -
64523 -
357624 -
(563427) -
473526 - - 3
463725 -
247563 - - -
452367 -
53462 -
674523 - - -
756243 -
(463725) -
237465 - -
234567 - -
Contains 43 combination rollups, 24 56s, 16 7568s, 24 8765s, 101 four bell runs at the back, and 30 combination rollups, 11 56s, 5 65s, 11 8765s, 48 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Backrounds. 5184 Shepperton Surprise Major 23456 B W V/F M
64352 - x 3
45623 -
65324 -
36452 - -
23564 - 2
3 part. Contains 54 combination rollups. 5120 Sussex Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
42356 -
25634 2 -
34562 2 3
62534 3 -
62345 - -
45623 - 2 -
36245 2 - -
36452 - -
45236 3 2
2 part. Contains 53 combination rollups. 5088 Thallium Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
35264 -
63254 - ss
56234 - ss
34562 - 2 -
43625 - s
23645 s
3 part. Contains 96 combination rollups. 5088 Toton Delight Major 23456 B W M H
34256 2
53246 - 3
34562 -
25463 - -
56234 -
23564 - -
3 part. Contains 144 combination rollups. 5376 Toton Delight Major 23456 W M H
42635 - -
32645 s 3
23645 2* 3
3 part. 2*=-s.
Contains 144 cru's 5088 Uttoxeter Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
64352 s s
26345 - s
53642 - -
35426 - s
64523 s s
42635 -
65234 ss s -
23564 s -
3 part. Contains 81 combination rollups. 5088 Weatheroak Surprise Major 234567 B W I V M F H
42635 - -
36245 2 2
357246 - -
352647 - -
45362 2
56342 2
64523 -
357624 -
(563427) -
473526 - - 3
235647 2 - -
52436 - -
23456 2 3
Contains 62 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 8765s, 8 2468s, 64 four bell runs at the back, and 50 combination rollups, 7 56s, 12 65s, 7 8765s, 30 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Tittums, Backrounds. 5152 Xceat Surprise Major 234567 B W I V M F H
34256 2
45362 -
473526 - 3
523647 2 - 2
26543 -
56342 -
64523 -
357624 -
362457 - - 3
357246 - -
352647 - -
237465 2 -
234567 3 - -
Contains 72 Combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 7568s, 24 8765s, 24 5867s, 8 2468s, 56 little bell at the back, and 60 Combination rollups, 10 56s, 12 65s, 10 8765s at the front, with Queens, Tittums. 5056 Xenocrates Surprise Major 234567 B W I T V M F H
34256 2
45362 - 3
64352 - - - -
56342 -
64523 -
357624 -
(563427) -
473526 - - 3
463725 -
756342 s
(463725) s
523647 - - 2
357246 - -
237465 - - 2 -
234567 3 - -
Contains 41 combination rollups, 18 56s, 3 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 3 near misses, 68 four bell runs at the back, and 16 combination rollups, 6 56s, 6 65s, 8 8765s, 29 four bell runs at the front, with Queens, Backrounds. 5086 Xenolite Surprise Major (425367) W M H
473526 2 s3 3
523467 s4 -
63245 s s
32465 s 2
35264 2 -
52364 3 2
43265 - -
62345 s s
35246 s -
25436 2 -
45326 2 -
23456 - s
Start from treble backstroke snap. Contains 82 combination rollups, with 19 5678s, 18 6578s, 17 8765s, aand 15 each 5678s and 6578s off the front. 5152 Xenolite Surprise Major 234567 B W M 6½ H
34256 2
62345 - s s
42365 s 3
63245 s s
32546 s 2
273546 - s3
(435267) 3 s4
65324 s s
25364 s 3
63524 s s
43526 s
53246 2 -
375264 - s s
452367 s s2½
23456 - -
Contains 88 crus, with 21 56s, 16 65s, 18 8765s, 15 56s off the front, and Queens and Tittums. 5024 Yardley Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
42356 -
52346 s
25463 - s
54362 - 2*
45623 - s
52436 - ss
35426 -
23564 - 2
3 part. 2*=sb, calling ssH in part one only.
Contains 78 combination rollups, 16 56s, 10 65s at the back, and 54 combination rollups, 11 65s at the front, with Tittums. 5120 Yardley Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
23564 - -
32645 - s
24563 2 -
46235 -
25463 - - s
62453 -
25634 - 3
45632 s
54326 - s
34625 -
42356 -
3 part, omitting 3H in last part. Contains 58 combination rollups, 18 56s, 12 65s at the back, and 87 combination rollups, 12 56s, 24 65s, 6 8765s at the front, with Backrounds. 5184 Yardley Surprise Major 23456 B W M H
42356 -
36254 s -
65342 - ss
65423 - -
52634 - ss
52346 - -
25463 - s
35426 s s
23564 - 2
3 part.
Contains 84 combination rollups, 18 56s, 10 65s, 34 little bell at the back, and 54 combination rollups at the front, with Tittums. 5152 Ytterbium Surprise Major 234567 B W I M F H
34256 2
32546 - 2
53246 s 3 s -
537246 - s -
32564 - 3
26345 - ss
42365 - 3
375246 2 - 2
45236 ss s
23456 - -
112 crus, with Queens, Whittingtons, Tittums, 24 56s and 65s, 18 8765s, 15 5678s off front 10080 Ytterbium Surprise Major 10080 Ytterbium S Major
234567 W I F M H
63254 2
24635 - s -
472635 - s
632457 s -
52634 - s s
46235 - -
23465 - ss -
42536 - - ss
274536 - s
56423 s - s
45362 - -
34256 - -
3 part. Contains 128 combination rollupds, including 24 each 56,65, 8765, 8756 off back, 56&65 off front, 18 2468, 6 each 7568, 7658, 7468, Queens, Whittingtons, Tittums, 10528 Ytterbium Surprise Major 234567 B I W M 3 F H
42356 3 -
63254 s s
25364 s -
32564 3 -
23645 - s
34625 2 3
473625 - s
26345 3 s s
375246 3 - 2
275346 s ss
537246 s -
524637 - 3 -
34265 3 - -
42365 3* 2
53264 - -
62354 s s
34256 s -
32546 - 2
472536 3 s
532467 3 s -
23456 2 -
Dilute to taste!
Rung as a 10080 by omitting 3*.
by Richard I Allton (No 1490)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 390)
Rung at West Bridgford on Tue 28th Sep 1993.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1460)
Rung at Bishopstoke (Campanile) on Mon 12th May 2008 conducted by Ian J Carey.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1492)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1153)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1131)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1495)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 289)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2200)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2419)
Rung at Uffculme on Fri 21st Jun 2019.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2048)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2508)
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 7th May 2019.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2210)
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 30th Sep 2014 conducted by Derek E Sibson.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 264)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 669)
Rung at West Bridgford on Tue 1st Sep 1998 conducted by Ian Butters.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2703)
Rung at Raunds on Sun 11th Dec 2022.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2707)
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 7th Jun 2022.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2994)
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 2nd Jul 2024.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2881)
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 2nd May 2023.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2215)
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 25th Nov 2014 conducted by Derek E Sibson.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2976)
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 6th Aug 2024.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2439)
Taken from a basic plan by Tony Cox.
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 3rd Jul 2018.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2479)
For 5056, omit [bracketed] calls.
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 6th Nov 2018.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2384)
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 3rd Oct 2017.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2428)
Rung at Raunds on Sun 7th Oct 2018.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2851)
Rung at Desborough on Wed 14th Dec 2022.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 276)
Rung at Attenborough on Mon 16th Sep 1991.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Rung at Thorverton on Thu 30th Jun 2016 conducted by Michael E C Mears.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2539)
From an composition by Richard Angrave.
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 4th Jun 2019.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1878)
Rung at Haselbech on Thu 6th Aug 2009.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2704)
Rung at Burton Latimer on Tue 3rd Dec 2024.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 816)
Rung at West Bridgford on Tue 3rd Oct 2000 conducted by Ian Butters.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2098)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2097)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2096)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 678)
Rung at West Bridgford on Tue 6th Oct 1998.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1096)
Rung at Sproxton on Sat 31st Oct 1998 conducted by Ian Butters.
Home Printable Version