720 Spliced Surprise Minor in 2 methods 23456 Du Du Du
- 56423 Du
- 56234 Du Yo
- 63425 Yo
- 63254 Yo Du Yo Du Yo
- 26354 Yo
- 26543 Yo Du
- 64352 Du
- 64523 Du Du
- 42356 Du Yo
- 25634 Yo Du Yo
- 34625 Yo
- 34256 Yo Yo
- 45623 Yo Yo Du
- 23645 Du
- 23456
Contains 360 Durham S(Du), York S(Yo), with 10 changes of method, all the work 1296 Spliced Surprise Minor in 3 methods 23456 Cm Cm
- 64235 Cm Cm Cm Cm
- 35264 Cm
- 56423 Bv Bv Bv Bv Bv
- 45623 Su Su Su Su Su
- 64523 Cm
- 42356
3 part. Contains 576 Cambridge S(Cm), 360 Surfleet S(Su), Beverley S(Bv), with 9 changes of method, all the work 1440 Spliced Delight Minor in 4 methods 23456 Waltham
s 32564 Elston
- 53264 Elston
- 25364 Clarence
- 25643 Clarence
s 52436 Burslem
- 45236 Waltham
- 45362 Burslem
- 34562 Waltham
- 34625 Waltham
s 43256 Elston
- 24356 Elston
s 23456
Each line is a full course, with a call at the end. 2880 Spliced Surprise Minor in 11 methods 23456 Wooler S
s 32564 Alnwick S
- 53264 Newcastle S
- 25364 Canterbury S
- 25643 Morpeth S
s 52436 Sandiacre S
- 45236 Wooler S
- 45362 Sandiacre S
- 34562 Wooler S
- 34625 Whitley S
s 43256 Alnwick S
- 24356 Munden S
s 23456 Whitley S
s 32564 Chester S
- 53264 Alnwick S
- 25364 Morpeth S
- 25643 Canterbury S
s 52436 Northumberland S
- 45236 Whitley S
- 45362 Carlisle S
- 34562 Whitley S
- 34625 Wooler S
s 43256 Newcastle S
- 24356 Alnwick S
s 23456
Contains 480 Alnwick, Whitley, Wooler, 240 Canterbury, Morpeth, Newcastle, Sandiacre, 120 Carlisle, Chester, Munden, Northumberland, with 23 changes of method, all the work. Rung in full courses. 1440 Spliced Surprise Minor in 12 methods 23456 Berwick S
s 32564 Northumberland S
- 53264 Chester S
- 25364 Morpeth S
- 25643 Whitley S
s 52436 Cambridge S
- 45236 Primrose S
- 45362 Ipswich S
- 34562 Norfolk S
- 34625 Hexham S
s 43256 Munden S
- 24356 Newcastle S
s 23456
s=1234. Each line represents a full
course of the method, with the call
at the end. Contains 120 Morpeth S(Mo), Whitley S(Wh), Cambridge S(Cm), Berwick S(Bk), Northumberland S(Nb), Chester S(Ch), Hexham S(He), Munden S(Mu), Newcastle S(Nw), Primrose S(Pr), Ipswich S(Ip), Norfolk S(Nf), with 11 changes of method, all the work 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor in 14 methods 23456 Primrose S
- 23564 Sandiacre S
- 52364 Ipswich S
- 35264 Bacup S
- 35642 Whitley S
- 35426 Annable's London S
- 35264 London S
- 23564 Hull S
- 23645 Netherseale S
- 62345 Cunecastre S
- 36245 Bamborough S
- 23645 Wooler S
- 23456 Bourne S
- 42356 Carlisle S
- 34256
3 part.
Each line represents a full course
of each method with a call at the end. Contains 360 Whitley S(Wh), Annable's London S(Ab), London S(Lo), Bacup S(Bc), Primrose S(Pr), Sandiacre S(Sa), Ipswich S(Ip), Wooler S(Wo), Bourne S(Bo), Carlisle S(Cl), Bamborough S(Bm), Hull S(Hu), Netherseale S(Ne), Cunecastre S(Cu), with 41 changes of method, all the work. 5040 Spliced Plain Minor in 30 methods 23456 Killarney
- 23564 Brentford
- 52364 Windermere
s 53264 Roydon
- 25364 College
- 25643 St Clements
- 62543 Single Court
- 62435 Single Oxford
- 46235 Single Court
s 46325 Brentford
- 34625 Wavertree
- 34256 Bala
s 32456 Windermere
- 43256 St James
s 42356 Double Court
- 42563 Brentford
- 54263 Double Oxford
s 52463 Windermere
- 45263 Stedman
- 45632 Windermere
- 64532 Loch Lomond
- 64325 Cumberland
- 36425 Loch Lomond
s 36245 Bala
- 23645 London
- 23456 Bala
s 24356 Windermere
- 32456 St James
s 34256 Killarney
- 34562 Bala
- 53462 Childwall
s 54362 Roydon
- 35462 Stedman
- 35624 Windermere
- 63524 Ennerdale
- 63245 Single Oxford
- 26345 Ennerdale
s 26435 Frodsham
- 42635 Lytham
- 42356 Brentford
s 43256 Windermere
- 24356 St James
- 32456 Stedman
- 32564 St Clements
- 53264 Stepney
s 52364 Double Bob
- 35264 Wavertree
- 35642 Bala
- 63542 Canterbury
- 63425 Windermere
- 46325 Wavertree
s 46235 St James
- 24635 College
- 24356 St Clements
s 23456 Brentford
- 42356 Bala
s 43256 Loch Lomond
- 43562 Cumberland
- 54362 St James
s 53462 Plain
- 45362 Wavertree
- 45623 Fulbeck
- 64523 Reverse
- 64235 Horsmonden
- 26435 Killarney
s 26345 Stepney
- 32645 Single Court
- 32456 Cumberland
s 34256 Frodsham
- 23456 Windermere
s 24356 Loch Lomond
- 24563 St Clements
- 52463 St James
s 54263 Horsmonden
- 25463 Killarney
- 25634 Thelwell
- 62534 Reverse
- 62345 Hereward
- 36245 Wavertree
s 36425 Stepney
- 43625 Single Court
- 43256 Cumberland
s 42356 Windermere
- 34256 Brentford
- 23456
s=1234 in 2nds place methods, 1456 in 6ths place methods.
Each line represents a full course of the method
with a call at the end.
Contains 600 Windermere (Wi), 360 Brentford (BrSt. James' Youths (JaBala (Ba), 300 Wavertree (Wa), 240 Cumberland(Cu), Killarney (Ki), Loch Lomond (Ll), Single Court (Sc), St. Clement's (Cl), 180 Stedman (Sd), Stepney(Sp), 120 College (Co), Ennerdale (En), Frodsham(Fr), Horsmonden (Ho), Reverse (Re), Roydon (Ro), Single Oxford (So), 60 Canterbury (Ca), Childwall (Ch), Double (Db), Double Court (Dc), Double Oxford (Do), Fulbeck (Fu), Hereward (He), London (Lo), Lytham (Ly), Plain (Pl), Thelwall (Th), with 83 changes of method, all the work. 5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor in 35 methods 23456 Ma
- 56423 Sl Ol
- 62345 Dk Cf Ny Oc Dk
- 36245 Kn Wl Rs Bg Kn
- 23645 Ng Wr Ol
- 23456 Ms Ey
- 35642 Ce Cd Sw Va Ce
- 63542 Bt Le Md Pv Bt
- 56342 Cx Sa Av
- 23564 Bv Bk He Su Bk
- 64523 Du
- 64235 Wo Nw Ch Mo Wo
- 35264
5 part
Contains 240 Berwick S(Bk), Duke of Norfolk TB(Dk), Beeston D(Bt), Knutsford D(Kn), Combermere D(Ce), Old Oxford D(Ol), Wooler S(Wo), 120 Wragby D(Wr), Newdigate D(Ng), Marple D(Ma), Ely D(Ey), Morning Star TB(Ms), Bogedone D(Bg), Ockley TB(Oc), Norbury TB(Ny), College Exercise TB(Cf), Rostherne D(Rs), Wilmslow D(Wl), St Albans D(Sl), Hexham S(He), Surfleet S(Su), Abbeyville D(Av), Beverley S(Bv), Chester S(Ch), Morpeth S(Mo), Durham S(Du), Newcastle S(Nw), Vale Royal D(Va), Leasowe D(Le), Crowland D(Cd), St Werburgh D(Sw), Castleton D(Cx), Sandiacre S(Sa), Melandra D(Md), Peveril D(Pv), with 209 changes of method, all the work 5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor in 39 methods
23456 Bk Bk
- 56423 Cs Cs Cs
- 62345 Wt Wt Wt Wt Wt
- 62453 Ck Ck Ck Ck Ck
- 62534 Cs Cs
- 56234 Fg Fg Fg Fg Fg
- 56342 Ba Ba Ba
- 64235 Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl
- 64352 Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci
- 64523 Ba Ba
- 56423 Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls
- 56234 He
- 63425 Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns
- 63254 Cw Cw Cw Cw Cw
- 63542 He He He He
- 56342 Bk Bk Bk
23456 Ws
- 23564 Bv Bv Bv Bv Bv
- 52364 Du Du Du Du Du *
- 35264 Ws Ws Ws Ws
- 42356 Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad
- 34256 Du
- 34562 Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs
- 53462 Su Su Su Su Su
- 45362 Du Du Du Du
- 23456 Bt Bt Bt Bt Bt
- 42356 Cx Cx Cx Cx
- 42563 Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg
- 54263 Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl
- 25463 Cx
- 34256 Po Po Po Po Po
- 23456
23456 Av Av Av
- 56423 Md Md
- 34562 Cx Cx Cx Cx Cx *
- 53462 Le Le Le Le Le
- 45362 Md Md Md
- 45623 Dt Dt Dt Dt Dt
- 64523 Av Av
- 42356 Va Va Va Va Va
- 34256 Ce
- 56234 Cf Cf Cf
- 42563 Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw
- 54263 Pv Pv Pv Pv Pv
- 25463 Cf Cf
- 25634 Va Va Va Va Va *
- 62534 Ce Ce Ce Ce
- 23456 Ny Ny Ny Ny Ny
- 42356 Cb Cb
- 56342 Ol
- 23564 Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd
- 52364 Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc
- 35264 Ol Ol Ol Ol
- 35642 Dk Dk Dk Dk Dk
- 63542 Cb Cb Cb
- 34256 Ng Ng Ng Ng Ng
- 23456
Contains 240 each Castleton D, Vale Royal D, Durham S, 120 each Capel, College Exercise, Duke of Norfolk, London Scholars Pleasure, Norbury, Ockley TB, Abbeyville, Balmoral, Beeston, Bogedone, Carisbrooke, Charlwood, Chepstow, College Bob IV, Combermere, Crowland, Fotheringay, Leasowe, Melandra, Neasden, Newdigate, Old Oxford, Peveril, Pontefract, Rostherne, St Albans, St Werburgh, Surfleet, Wath, Wilmslow D, Berwick, Beverley, Hexham, Westminster S, with 54 changes of method and all the work. 5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor in 39 methods Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
23456 Ox Ox Ox Ox Ox Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci
- 23564 Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Po Po Po Po Po Ng Ng Ng Ng Ng
- 52364 Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce Md Md Md Md Md Cx Cx Cx Cx Cx
- 35264 Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns Wt Wt Wt Wt Wt Ck Ck Ck Ck Ck
- 35642 He He He He He Sd Sd Sd Sd Sd Br Br Br Br Br
- 35426 Fg Fg Fg Fg Fg Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
- 35264 Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Bv Bv Bv Bv Bv
- 23564 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ks Ks Ks Ks Ks
- 23645 Pv Pv Pv Pv Pv Kn Kn Kn Kn Kn Su Su Su Su Su
- 62345 Va Va Va Va Va Av Av Av Av Av Bt Bt Bt Bt Bt
- 36245 Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Du Du Du Du Du Dt Dt Dt Dt Dt
- 23645 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs
- 23456 Ws Ws Ws Ws Ws Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Va Va Va Va Va
- 42356 Le Le Le Le Le Bt Bt Bt Bt Bt Dk Dk Dk Dk Dk
3 part, calling the methods shown in each part. Contains 240 Berwick S(Bk), Valeroyal D(Va), Beeston D(Bt), 120 Leasowe D(Le), Westminster S(Ws), St Albans D(Sl), Sandal TB(Sd), Skipton D(Sk), Wath D(Wt), Pontefract D(Po), Melandra D(Md), Combermere D(Ce), Neasden D(Ns), Oxford TB(Ox), Allendale S(Ad), Hexham S(He), Peveril D(Pv), Old Oxford D(Ol), Fotheringay D(Fg), Crowland D(Cd), Balmoral D(Ba), Beverley S(Bv), Carisbrooke D(Ck), Braintree D(Br), Kingston TB(Ks), Chepstow D(Cs), Duke Of Norfolk TB(Dk), Surfleet S(Su), Donottar D(Dt), Castleton D(Cx), Knutsford D(Kn), Abbeyville D(Av), St Werburgh D(Sw), London Scholars Pleasure TB(Ls), Durham S(Du), Capel TB(Ci), Newdigate D(Ng), Wragby D(Wr), Rostherne D(Rs), with 41 changes of method, all the work 5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor in 42 methods 23456 Wt
- 64235 Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr
- 64352 Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro
- 64523 Wt Wt Wt
- 56423 Bk
- 62345 Ck Ck Ck Ck Ck
- 62453 Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab
- 62534 Bk Bk Bk Bk
- 56234 Ns Ns
s 63452 Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh
- 63524 Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo
s 63254 Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr
- 63542 Ns Ns Ns
- 56342 Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl
- 56423 Br Br Br Br Br
- 56234 Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci
- 56342 Wt Ol Ol Ol Ol
- 23564 Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm
s 25364 Nw Nw Nw Nw Nw
- 32564 Nb Nb Nb Nb Nb
s 35264 Ol
- 42356 Cb Cb Cb Cb
- 42563 Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne
s 45263 Sw Sw Sw
- 32456 Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd
- 43256 Va Va
- 43562 Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo
- 54362 Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu
- 35462 Va Va Va
- 24356 Sw Sw
- 24563 Ce Ce Ce Ce Ce
s 25463 Cb
- 34256 Lf Lf Lf
- 34562 Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma
s 35462 Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch
- 43562 Cl Cl Cl Cl
s 52436 Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc
s 54236 Cl
s 45362 Lf Lf
- 23456 Dk Dk
- 23564 Po Po Po Po Po
- 52364 Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf
- 35264 Dk Dk Dk
- 42356 Dt Dt Dt Dt Dt
- 34256 Ms
- 34562 Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad
- 53462 Ny Ny Ny Ny Ny
- 45362 Ms Ms Ms Ms
- 23456 Bv Bv Bv Bv Bv
- 42356 Du
- 42563 Ip Ip Ip Ip Ip
- 54263 Wi Wi Wi Wi Wi
- 25463 Du Du Du Du
- 34256 Ws Ws Ws Ws Ws
- 23456
Contains 120 Cambridge S(Cm), Newcastle S(Nw), Old Oxford D(Ol), Braintree D(Br), Capel TB(Ci), St Werburgh D(Sw), Crowland D(Cd), Netherseale S(Ne), Northumberland S(Nb), College Bob IV D(Cb), St Albans D(Sl), Berwick S(Bk), Carisbrooke D(Ck), Rossendale S(Ro), Wath D(Wt), Primrose S(Pr), Morpeth S(Mo), Wragby D(Wr), Whitley S(Wh), Annable's London S(Ab), Neasden D(Ns), Allendale S(Ad), Norbury TB(Ny), Morning Star TB(Ms), College Exercise TB(Cf), Donottar D(Dt), Willesden D(Wi), Westminster S(Ws), Ipswich S(Ip), Beverley S(Bv), Durham S(Du), Pontefract D(Po), Combermere D(Ce), Lightfoot S(Lf), Cunecastre S(Cu), Vale Royal D(Va), London S(Lo), Ockley TB(Oc), Duke of Norfolk TB(Dk), Carlisle S(Cl), Marple D(Ma), Chester S(Ch), with 54 changes of method, all the work 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor in 42 methods 23456 Ap Ap
s 45263 Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct
- 24563 Co Co Co Co Co
s 25463 Be Be Be Be Be
- 42563 Ap Ap Ap
- 42356 Rd Rd
s 35462 Ck Ck Ck Ck Ck
- 43562 Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed
s 45362 Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
- 34562 Rd Rd Rd
- 34256 Te Te
s 25364 Lx Lx Lx Lx Lx
- 32564 Ev Ev Ev Ev Ev
s 35264 Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt
- 23564 Te Te Te
- 23456 Sk Sk Sk Sk
- 23564 Se Se Se Se Se
s 25364 Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar
- 32564 Cv Cv Cv Cv Cv
s 35264 Sk
- 42356 St St St St
- 42563 Su Su Su Su Su
s 45263 Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr
- 24563 Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo
s 25463 St
- 34256 Nw Nw Nw Nw
- 34562 Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki
s 35462 Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh
- 43562 Pn Pn Pn Pn Pn
s 45362 Nw
- 23456 Gr
s 45263 Rh
s 54326 Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk
s 53426 Rh Rh Rh Rh
- 24563 Lu
s 42356 Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi
s 43256 Lu Lu Lu Lu
s 25463 Bn Bn Bn Bn Bn
- 42563 Gr Gr Gr Gr
- 42356 Sl
s 35462 Rp
s 53246 Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp
s 52346 Rp Rp Rp Rp
- 43562 Th
s 34256 Rf Rf Rf Rf Rf
s 32456 Th Th Th Th
s 45362 Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch
- 34562 Sl Sl Sl Sl
- 34256 Up
s 25364 Fy
s 52436 Pu Pu Pu Pu Pu
s 54236 Fy Fy Fy Fy
- 32564 Br
s 23456 Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu
s 24356 Br Br Br Br
s 35264 Or Or Or Or Or
- 23564 Up Up Up Up
- 23456
Contains 120 each Appleby(Ap), Ardington(Ar), Bakewell(Bk), Bangor(Bn), Beighton(Be), Broomfield(Br), Chester-le-Street(Ch), Chieveley(Cv), Collingham(Co), Cotgrave(Ct), Cuckney(Ck), Edwinstowe(Ed), Everton(Ev), Fyfield(Fy), Grantham(Gr), Hatfield(Ha), Kilvington(Ki), Laxton(Lx), Longcot(Lo), Luton(Lu), Marcham(Mr), Minehead(Mi), North Wheatley(Nw), Orsett(Or), Pangbourne(Pn), Pattiswick(Pt), Purleigh(Pu), Quendon(Qu), Redcar(Rd), Retford(Rf), Rhyl(Rh), Ripley(Rp), Selston(Se), Shaw(Sh), Shireoaks(Sk), Sleaford(Sl), Spalding(Sp), Stapleford(St), Sturton-le-Steeple(Su), Terling(Te), Thorne(Th), Upshire(Up); 56 changes of method, all the work. 5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor in 42 methods 23456 Braintree D
s 32564 Whitley S
s 23645 Rossendale S
s 32456 Abbeyville D
- 43256 London S
- 24356 Morpeth S
s 42563 Netherseale S
- 54263 Newdigate D
s 52463 Capel TB
s 25634 Norfolk S
s 52346 Vale Royal D
s 53246 Willesden D
- 25346 Primrose S
- 25463 Surfleet S
- 42563 Ely D
- 54263 Old Oxford D
- 25463 College Bob IV D
- 42563 St Albans D
- 42635 Annable's London S
- 42356 Wilmslow D
s 43256 Munden S
- 24356 Cunecastre S
- 32456 Newcastle S
- 43256 London Scholar's Pleasure TB
s 34562 Marple D
- 53462 Ipswich S
- 45362 Bogedone D
s 43562 Northumberland S
s 45362 Wragby D
- 45623 Skipton D
s 54236 Crowland D
- 25436 Oxford TB
- 25364 Morning Star TB
- 32564 Combermere D
- 53264 Chester S
s 52364 Knutsford D
- 35264 Beverley S
s 32564 Sandal TB
- 32645 Kingston TB
s 23456 Rostherne D
- 42356 Lightfoot S
- 34256 Cambridge S
- 23456
Each line represents a full course of the
method, with the call at the end. Contains 120 Ely D(Ey), Old Oxford D(Ol), Surfleet S(Su), Willesden D(Wi), Primrose S(Pr), Wilmslow D(Wl), Munden S(Mu), Annable's London S(Ab), College Bob IV D(Cb), St Albans D(Sl), Vale Royal D(Va), Abbeyville D(Av), London S(Lo), Rossendale S(Ro), Braintree D(Br), Whitley S(Wh), Capel TB(Ci), Norfolk S(Nf), Newdigate D(Ng), Morpeth S(Mo), Netherseale S(Ne), Knutsford D(Kn), Beverley S(Bv), Chester S(Ch), Morning Star TB(Ms), Combermere D(Ce), Lightfoot S(Lf), Cambridge S(Cm), Rostherne D(Rs), Sandal TB(Sd), Kingston TB(Ks), Oxford TB(Ox), Marple D(Ma), Ipswich S(Ip), London Scholar's Pleasure TB(Ls), Cunecastre S(Cu), Newcastle S(Nw), Skipton D(Sk), Crowland D(Cd), Wragby D(Wr), Bogedone D(Bg), Northumberland S(Nb), with 41 changes of method, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor in 42 methods 23456 Treswell S
- 23564 Appleby S
- 52364 Chester-Le-Street S
- 35264 Bleasby S
- 35642 Lambley S
- 35426 Leverton S
- 35264 Minehead S
- 23564 Flintham S
- 23645 Thorne S
- 62345 Beighton S
- 36245 Orsett S
- 23645 Smithfield S
- 23456 Quendon S
- 42356 Broomfield S
- 34256 Cottam S
- 34562 Redcar S
- 53462 Bangor S
- 45362 Epperstone S
- 45623 Kneeton S
- 45236 Stokeham S
- 45362 Retford S
- 34562 Cromwell S
- 34625 Luton S
- 63425 Hatfield S
- 46325 Upshire S
- 34625 Calverton S
- 34256 Spalding S
- 23456 Fyfield S
- 42356 Bramcote S
- 42563 Terling S
- 54263 Sleaford S
- 25463 Halloughton S
- 25634 Weston S
- 25346 Scaftworth S
- 25463 Bakewell S
- 42563 Darlton S
- 42635 Ripley S
- 64235 Pattiswick S
- 26435 Grantham S
- 42635 Bilsthorpe S
- 42356 Purleigh S
- 34256 Rhyl S
- 23456
Contains 120 Cottam S, Redcar S, Broomfield S, Smithfield S, Quendon S, Stokeham S, Retford S, Kneeton S, Bangor S, Epperstone S, Orsett S, Bleasby S, Lambley S, Chester-Le-Street S, Treswell S, Appleby S, Thorne S, Beighton S, Flintham S, Leverton S, Minehead S, Darlton S, Ripley S, Bakewell S, Weston S, Scaftworth S, Purleigh S, Rhyl S, Bilsthorpe S, Pattiswick S, Grantham S, Halloughton S, Upshire S, Calverton S, Hatfield S, Cromwell S, Luton S, Terling S, Sleaford S, Bramcote S, Spalding S, Fyfield S, with 41 changes of method, all the work
by Richard I Allton (No 933)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton
Rung at Studham on Fri 29th Dec 2023 conducted by Claire C Nicholson.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1972)
Contains 480 Elston, Waltham, 240 Burslem, Clarence.
(Call sequence taken from JSW)
Rung at Elstow Abbey on Sun 24th Oct 2010.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2990)
Rung at Cotterstock on Wed 17th Jul 2024.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1978)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2115)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1915)
Based on work originally done by John Warboys.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2064)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1578)
The courses marked by * can be replaced by any method that is a course or lead splice with the one given.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2007)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1579)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 426)
Rung at Laxton on Sat 26th Feb 1994 conducted by Andrew B Mills.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1977)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2659)
Home Printable Version