1320 Little Bob Maximus 23456 W M H
24536 - 2
53624 2 -
65432 - -
46253 - -
24365 - - ss
63425 s s
42635 - -
64523 - -
56342 - -
35264 - -
23456 - - ss
Contains 6 56s, 6 65s, 36 four bell runs. 5800 Little Bob Maximus 123456 W M H
136425 s - 2*
134265 - 2
123465 ss* -
124635 - 2
126345 - 2
132645 ss -
6 part, calling ss* in one part only,
and replacing 2* with 1,2,3,4 in 2 parts.
by Richard I Allton
Rung at Peterborough Cathedral on Sun 8th Jan 2023.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1722)