5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 3 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - NYYNYNYYN•
52364 s s CNCY•C•NCCC
43265 - - NNNN•YNNCN•
24365 - CYYYCYNYC•
32465 - CNCNCYCCC•
64523 - - NNNY•Y•YNNN
32546 - - - YYYY•N•YYYY•
43526 - CYCNC•CCCC
24536 - NNNYY•NNNN
53246 - - YYYNN•YCYY•
63245 s CCCY•CCYCC
25346 s - CYYC•CYCCC•
34256 - - NNYNY•NNYN•
23456 - CNCNCNCYC•
1680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire. Contains 75 com, 74 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 3 methods 234567 7 M W H Methods
65432 - - - NCNY•N•YCNC•
674523 - Y•NYCNCYCN
423567 s s - Y•CNC•YNYNY•
53624 - - CYCN•C•YNYN
26435 - - CYCN•Y•CYCY
43265 - - NCYCN•YNCN•
24365 - YNCNYNCYC•
2 part. Contains 1680 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire. 125 com, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 3 methods 23456 M W H Methods
45236 - - CCCCC•YYYY•
62534 - - YYYY•YYYYC•
56234 - LCCCYC•
25634 - LCL•
65432 - L•LLLLLLLL
34256 - - L•Y•CCCC
3 part. Contains 1800 Cambridge; 1680 Yorkshire; 1560 London No.3. 33 changes of method, all the work. 31 combination rollups inc 18 56s. 5220 Spliced Royal in 3 methods 234567890 Bristol Surprise
352749608 Bristol Surprise
573920486 Bristol Surprise
795038264 Bristol Surprise
4 908674523 Littleport Little Surprise
6 897064523 Littleport Little Surprise
8 786950423 Bastow Little Bob
8 675849023 Littleport Little Surprise
6 564789023 Bristol Surprise
675942830 Bristol Surprise
796253408 Bristol Surprise
927360584 Bristol Surprise
239078645 Bristol Surprise
302894756 Bristol Surprise
083425967 Bristol Surprise
840536279 Bristol Surprise
4 456789023
9 part. Calls made in place shown.
Contains 4320 Bristol Surprise; 864 Littleport Little Surprise; 36 Bastow Little Bob. 36 com, all the work. 5000 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - BCBBCB•
34256 - LCSLCSLCB•
25346 - - LC•BBSCC•
32546 - BSSCC•
53246 - SBBSBB•
62345 - - L•LB•
36245 - SCLSCLSSL•
26543 - CBCBB•LS
56342 - L•SSLSSLSC
24365 - - - L•B•L•
32465 - BL•
43265 - BSBCCLC•
52364 - - SCLCSLB•SL•
65324 - SL•L
26354 - LB•L
35264 - - LC•SCLCSLB•
23564 - BBCBCB•
65432 - - SCCS•B•L
45236 - CSLCSLS•LC
23456 - - SL•SBBCB•
1280 London No.3; 1240 Bristol, Cambridge, Superlative No.2. 5000 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
64352 - - SCSC•CBCBCB•
56342 - SSLCCLSB•L
36245 - SCLSSLB•LC
24365 - - BBL•L•
45362 - SBBSBB•
34562 - SLL•
54263 - L•B
32465 - - L•LB•
42563 - L•LS
35426 - - L•SSLSCLSC•
42356 - - CSLCBCC•CCSB•
34256 - LCL•
53246 - CBCBCS•L
(45236) - CBCBCS•
25634 - BBCBB•B
65432 - L•B
23456 - - - SCLCSLB•B•L•
1280 Cambridge; 1240 Bristol, London No.3, Superlative No.2. 97 com, 35 cru's, all the work. 5000 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
63254 2 C•OBCTO•TC
42356 - - BCOT•BCTOBC•
53624 - - OBCT•CT•TCBCB
46325 - - C•OBTO•
32465 - - TOTCTT•OBCT•
(64523) - - OTOO•O•
(26543) - - OBO•CBC•
42563 3 - BT•BOT•TBCTO•CT•BB
52364 - TOTO•TC
43265 - - C•OC•
24365 - CTC•
53462 - - BB•CBCTTB•
(65432) - BCOOCOO•
23456 - BOCB•
1280 Chiswick Shandy; 1240 Black Sheep, 5000 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - - CD•D•
(54326) - ABCAD•
34625 - BADA•CAA
42563 - 2 CAB•C•ACACCA•AA
(64523) - CD•
32546 - - - CCBC•C•ACB•
(43526) - BDDBDDBDD•
53624 - ABC•B
46325 - - BCBCB•ADABBC•
32465 - - CBCBA•D•
43265 - BCADA•
24365 - CBBCAD•
53462 - DC•
23456 - - - D•ABCA•BABB•
1360 Anglia; 1320 Bristol; 1240 Cambridge; 1080 Dumfries. 98 com, 36 cru's, all the work. 5004 Spliced Royal in 4 methods 234567890 Clarkson Surprise
089674523 Clarkson Surprise
352749608 Clarkson Surprise
860492735 Clarkson Surprise
573920486 Clarkson Surprise
648203957 Clarkson Surprise
795038264 Clarkson Surprise
426385079 Clarkson Surprise
- 908674523 Plain Bob
- 906482735 Plain Bob
- 904263857 Double Coslany Court Bob
029345678 Maypole Alliance
230597486 Double Coslany Court Bob
352708964 Double Coslany Court Bob
573826049 Double Coslany Court Bob
785634290 Double Coslany Court Bob
867459302 Double Coslany Court Bob
648970523 Double Coslany Court Bob
496082735 Double Coslany Court Bob
- 902345678
9 part. Contains 2880 Clarkson Surprise; 1440 Double Coslany Court Bob; 360 Plain Bob; 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
45236 - - NSCYS•CSSY•
25634 - CNCN•NSYNS
65432 - SCNY•CSYNY
34256 - - NCCS•C•NNYC
53246 - YSYNN•CYCS
24536 - - CSNCY•SNSC•
32546 - YYSSY•YCNN
2 part. Contains 1280 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Superlative No.2; 1200 Yorkshire. 104 com, 42 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - NCYNYCNYN•
34256 - LCYLCNLNC•
53246 - NYCNY•L
(45236) - CNLCYLYN•
63254 - - - YNLYC•Y•L•
26354 - CLNCLCNLC•
32654 - YCYLNC•
56423 - - L•Y•NYCY
32465 - - - L•N•L•
2 part. Contains 1280 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire; 1200 London No.3. 125 com, 58 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - LYNLCYLCN•
(25634) - YL•
53462 - - LY•CNCY•
64235 - - NLNYLYC•N•L
36245 - NL•CYCN
24365 - - LC•L•
2 part. Contains 1440 London No.3; 1200 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire. 124 com, 31 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 W M H 4m 5m(a) 5m(b) 6m
24365 - (-) LC•L• LY•L• LN•L• LY•L•
6 part calling (-) in alternate parts..
4m: 1440 Cambridge, Superlative No.2; 1200 Bristol; 960 London No.3.96 com. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 W M H 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m
9 part, calling (-) in parts 1, 4 and 7. 4m: 1800 Cambridge, Superlative No.2; 1080 London No.3; 360 Bristol. 116 com. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
234567890 L L L R R R R R R R R
426385079 S S S S S S S S S S S
- 235749608 L L L L L D D D D D D
524367890 S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
- 237950486 C C P P P P P P P P P
903826745 B B B B B B B B B B B
089634257 C C C C N N N H H H H
648507923 B B B B B B W W W W W
456782039 C C C C C C C C C C C
725349608 B B P P P P P P I I I
- 239078564 S S S S S S S S S S U
083624957 L L L L L L L L L L L
302896745 C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Q Q
860435279 S S S S N N N N N N N
9 part. Contains 360 of each occurrence. All arrangements have 125 changes of method, and are all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - 413234124•
34256 - 234123232•
56423 - s s 1•3134131•3•
34625 - - 2•42423241•
26543 - - 4•1342431•4
56342 - 3•12432434
24365 - - - 1•2121314•2•
2 part. 1280 London No2, London No3, London No4; 1200 London No1. 125 com, 43 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - LYNLCYLCN•
53624 - - L•Y•NYNC
63425 - NYNC•LY
43265 2 - CL•CNLCNY•L•
24365 3 - - L•LLC•NYCLCY•C•L•
2 part.
Contains 1440 London No.3; 1200 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 234567890 Zorin
- 235749608 Zorin
- 237950486 Zorin
- 239078564 Zorin
302896745 Bristol
083624957 Bristol
860435279 Anglia
795243608 Longmead
- 645789023 Longmead
850634279 Anglia
794263508 Longmead
- 564789023 Longmead
840536279 Anglia
796253408 Longmead
- 456789023
9 part.
Contains 1800 Longmead; 1440 Zorin; 1080 Anglia; 720 Bristol. 71 com, all the work, with 25 cru inc 24 56s. 10 0987. 21 7890 off the front. 75+114 LB4 inc 42+64 5076 Spliced Royal in 4 methods 234567890 Horsleydown Surprise
573920486 Horsleydown Surprise
907856342 Bristol Surprise
089674523 Bristol Surprise
860492735 Bristol Surprise
648203957 Bristol Surprise
426385079 Horsleydown Surprise
352749608 Horsleydown Surprise
795038264 Horsleydown Surprise
- 908674523 Littleport Little Surprise
897056342 Maypole Alliance
- 906482735 Littleport Little Surprise
698074523 Maypole Alliance
- 904263857 Littleport Little Surprise
496082735 Maypole Alliance
- 902345678
9 part.
Contains 1800 Horsleydown Surprise; 1440 Bristol Surprise; 972 Maypole Alliance; 864 Littleport Little Surprise. 80 changes of method, all the work. 22 0987. 66+117 LB4 inc 28+42 LB5. 5120 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - CCBBBS•
34256 - LCSLSSLSS•
25346 - - LC•L•
32546 - BSBBCC•
53246 - BL•
(45236) - CSLSSLCS•
63254 - - - SBCC•B•L•
26354 - CLSSLCSLC•
32654 - SLL•
(56423) - - L•B•
32465 - - - CBCS•B•BBCCB•
2 part. Contains 1360 Cambridge, Superlative No.2; 1200 Bristol, London No.3. 95 com, 60 cru's, all the work. 5200 Spliced Surprise Royal in 4 methods 23456 M W H Methods
64352 - - SCSC•CBCBCB•
56342 - SSLCCLSB•L
36245 - SCLSSLB•LC
24365 - - BBL•L•
45362 - CBBSBB•
34562 - SLL•
54263 - L•B
32465 - - L•LB•
42563 - L•LS
35426 - - L•SSLSCLSC•
42356 - - CSLCBCC•CCSB•
34256 - LCBSSLCS•
53246 - CBCBCS•L
(45236) - CBCBCS•
25634 - BBCBB•B
65432 - L•B
23456 - - - SCLCSLB•B•L•
1360 Cambridge; 1320 Superlative No.2; 1280 Bristol; 1240 London No.3. Contains 100 changes of method, and all the work. 5000 Spliced Surprise Royal in 5 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - BBCBBBS•
(54326) - LS•
64523 - L•SL
25346 - - NBCSLC•C•NBBNN
34256 - - NL•CLNSLCB•
(53246) - CBCBNN•
62345 - - BBSNLC•LB•
32546 - NSLSNLN•SL
36245 2 - L•SBCCN•CL•
24365 - - NBCBNS•L•
32465 - LCL•
43265 - NCLSBSCL•
52364 - - CSLCBN•NL•
35264 - SLSNLNCLC•
23564 - BSCNS•
(65432) - - NSCS•B•
23456 - - - SBSC•S•L•
1000 Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), London No.3, Superlative No.2. 111 com, 55 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 5 methods
234567890 Lincolnshire
573920486 Cambridge
907856342 Bristol
089674523 Superlative No.2
648203957 Bristol
426385079 Cambridge
352749608 Superlative No.2
795038264 Bristol
- 908674523 Superlative No.2
640293857 London No.3
- 906482735 London No.3
698074523 Cambridge
- 904263857 London No.3
496082735 Lincolnshire
- 902345678
9 part. 1080 Bristol, Cambridge, London No.3, 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 5 methods 234567890 Maoile Lunndaidh
089674523 Maoile Lunndaidh
352749608 Maoile Lunndaidh
860492735 Maoile Lunndaidh
573920486 Maoile Lunndaidh
648203957 Maoile Lunndaidh
795038264 Maoile Lunndaidh
426385079 Maoile Lunndaidh
4 908674523 Clyde
6 897064523 Lockington
8 786950423 Clyde
8 675849023 Lockington
6 564789023 Bristol
675942830 London No.3
4 456789023
9 part. Calls made in place shown
Contains 2880 Maoile Lunndaidh; 720 Clyde, Lockington; 360 Bristol, London No.3. 62 com, all the work. 24 0987. 54+135 LB4 inc 12+44 LB5. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 5 methods 234567890 Maoile Lunndaidh
089674523 Maoile Lunndaidh
352749608 Maoile Lunndaidh
860492735 Maoile Lunndaidh
573920486 Maoile Lunndaidh
648203957 Maoile Lunndaidh
795038264 Maoile Lunndaidh
426385079 Maoile Lunndaidh
4 908674523 Clyde
6 897064523 Lockington
8 786950423 Clyde
8 675849023 Lockington
6 564789023 Bristol
675942830 Kenninghall
4 456789023
9 part. Calls made in place shown.
Contains 2880 Maoile Lunndaidh; 720 Clyde, Lockington; 360 Bristol, Kenninghall. 62 com, all the work. 24 0987. 54+153 LB4 inc 12+52 LB5. Backrounds. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 5 methods 23456 M W H Methods
24356 s YYYYYYYYY•
56342 s - L•P•PPPP
34562 - - PPPPP•CCCC•
53462 - NPCNNNNNN•
46325 s s - CCNN•LLLLLLL•YYYY•
53624 - - NNNC•CCCCC•
24365 - s s NPPN•C•L•
2 part. Contains 1120 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N); 1040 Pudsey, Yorkshire; 720 London No.3. 37 changes of method, all the work. 35+92 LB4 inc 10+29 LB5. Backrounds. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 5 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - NCYNYNCYN•
34256 - LCYLYPLPY•
53246 - CNCNC•L
(45236) - PPLPNLYN•
63254 - - - CYLNC•Y•L•
26354 - YLPCLCPLC•
32654 - PYPLNN•
56423 - - L•P•CNCP
32465 - - - L•Y•L•
2 part. Contains 1200 London No.3; 1040 Cambridge; 960 Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire; 880 Pudsey. 121 changes of method, all the work. 50 combination rollups. Backrounds. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 5 methods 23456 M W H Methods
45236 - - 32345153•2•
34256 - 51514321•5
25346 - - 24121541•3•
42356 - 43424532•5
53624 - - 4•2343214•3
46325 - - 5•32324354•
24365 - 15154125•1
2 part.
For 5000, call first course:
23456 M B W H Methods
45236 x - - 1232•153•2•
5040: Contains 1040 London No.3, London No.4, London No.5; 960 London No.1, London No.2. 125 changes of method, all the work. 19+80 LB4 inc 3+18 LB5. 5000 Spliced Surprise Royal in 6 methods 23456 M W H Methods
43652 - CTDBG•TTGT
64352 - HBC•
42563 2 - BC•DGBBG•CTC•
54326 - TGHH•CHGGG
35426 - DCC•
42356 - - HBGBHCDC•D•
(53624) - - BCB•CBHTCD•
46325 - - GH•CHTDC•
53462 - - D•GC•
23456 - - - CH•CC•BGBDGT•
960 Clarkson; 920 Bristol; 880 Greenwich; 840 Henleaze; 720 Dumfries; 5000 Spliced Surprise Royal in 6 methods 23456 M W H Methods
43652 - R•B
64352 - CYBCY•
(56342) - NR•
(43265) - - NBSY•S•
23564 - SBYC•B
53462 - NSCY•RS
24365 - - NRSNRYN•RC•
32465 - CNSBB•
63425 - SR•R
64523 - - YBYS•S•R
34256 - SBYCRCCR•
25346 - - RS•R•
32546 - BYNCS•
53246 - CNYBC•
23456 - - SR•R•
Contains 920 Bristol; 880 Rutland; 800 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Superlative No.2, Yorkshire. 112 changes of method, all the work. 54 combination rollups inc 19 56s. 30+80 LB4 inc 8+23 LB5. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 6 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - BCPCB•
(54326) - LS•
34625 - PSSLB•B
25346 2 - L•PBPSN•N•NBBNP
34256 - - CL•NLPCLCN•
53246 - CBSBCC•L
32546 - PNLCSLN•CL
36245 2 - L•PCPLSP•PL•
24365 - - NCLPBSB•NPSN•
32465 - BNNPN•
43265 - NBBPBC•
52364 - - SPSC•PL•
35264 - SLNBSCLP•
23564 - BNCPC•
65432 - - NSCN•S•SBBNP
23456 - - - L•S•L•
840 Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), London No.3, Pudsey, Superlative No.2. 111 com, 59 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 6 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - BNBBCB•
54326 - LC•L
34625 - NBBNB•SR
64523 - SSNS•RN
25346 - - NLNCLNB•B•R
53246 - RN•R
62345 - - CCLCBC•RB•
36245 - CSLCSLNSL•
24365 - - CSLCSRCS•R•
32465 - RCSRNSRCB•
43265 - SRNSRNSRC•
52364 - - CNRNCRB•LB•
35264 - SLCSLCSLS•
23564 - LNL•
(65432) - - R•B•
23456 - - - CSBB•N•BNBNB•
840 Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), London No.3, Rutland, Superlative No.2. 113 com, 70 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 6 methods 23456 M W H Methods
24356 s YYYYYYSSY•
56342 s - L•S•PPPP
34562 - - PSPPP•CCCS•
53462 - NPCNNNNNN•
46325 s s - CNNS•LLLLLLL•SYYY•
53624 - - PCYC•CCCPC•
24365 - s s SSSN•S•L•
2 part. Contains 880 Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire; 800 Lincolnshire(N); 720 London No.3. 59 changes of method, all the work. 39+80 LB4 inc 13+28 LB5. Backrounds. 5000 Spliced Surprise Royal in 7 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - BNBNBB•
34256 - RYYLCYLSY•
25346 - - LY•R•
32546 - SLSBSCRN•
53246 - LNL•
62345 - - NSCS•YR•
36245 - SYLSCLYSL•
32465 - CYRNCRCCR•
35264 2 - R•SCSBN•LS•
23564 - BSBBNC•
52364 - RCL•
26435 - - YR•R•
42635 - LSR•
64235 - RSL•
24536 - NNCB•B
52436 - BL•
45236 - SRL•
23456 - - NL•BBYNC•
720 Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), London No.3, Rutland, Superlative No.2; 680 Yorkshire. 111 com, 76 cru's, all the work. 5000 Spliced Surprise Royal in 7 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - BBCBWBW•
34256 - LSCLSCLSC•
(52643) - - L•B•
62345 - WBSBC•CL
53246 - - SCLSCLS•BD•
45236 - DGDGDG•L
63254 - - - CWWBWC•W•L•
35264 2 GDGDGD•WL•D
23564 - CWGS•
53462 - BWBWBWB•W
24365 - - L•DGDGDG•
32465 - WBWBWBWB•
42563 - 3 L•S•GDGS•GG•L
52364 - CWG•LS
63425 - - CLSCLSC•C•D
24536 - - L•W•GSS
65432 - - L•DC•
23456 - - - GDDGS•C•SBG•
Contains 760 Greenwich, Wootton Rivers; 720 Bristol, Cambridge, London No.3; 680 Superlative No.2; 640 Clyde(D). 116 changes of method, all the work. 50 combination rollups. 30+56 LB4 inc 6+23 LB5. Backrounds. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 7 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - BNBBCP•
(54326) - LP•
25346 - - NSBBS•B•R
34256 - - SL•NLNSLCB•
53246 - RN•R
62345 - - NPLSBP•LP•
43526 - - NSLCPLN•P•L
24536 - RC•L
32546 - RP•L
36245 2 - L•NBCSC•SL•
24365 - - RN•R•
32465 - RCPRNCRNC•
43265 - SRNPRPCRN•
52364 - - CCRNNRB•PL•
35264 - PLCSLNSLN•
23564 - SSPRSS•
(65432) - - R•C•
23456 - - - SBCS•C•BBCCB•
760 Bristol, Lincolnshire(N); 720 Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative No.2; 680 London No.3, Rutland. 112 com, 65 cru's, all the work. 5002 Spliced Surprise Royal in 8 methods 23456 M W H Methods
54236 - s BBBBBBBBB•R•
62435 s s SSSS•CCCCC•
43265 s - PPPPP•R•
24365 - BBBBBBBB•
53462 s s YYYY•SSSSS•
63452 s NNNNN•CCCY
54362 s s YYCCC•NNNN•
64325 s s SSSS•Y•PPPP
32465 s - PPPPP•YYYY•
64235 s s RRRRRRRR•PPPP•
34256 s s CCCC•S•NNNN
52436 s s s L•N•SSSS•
(32456) s RRRRRRRR•(R)
Contains 722 Rutland; 720 Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Superlative No.2; 680 Bristol; 600 Cambridge; 480 Yorkshire; 360 London No.3, with 26 changes of method, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 8 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - BYBBPB•
(54326) - LY•
62345 - - YYNC•LB•
36245 - PNLCSLPNL•
24365 - - PCLNYLNC•R•
32465 - RYNRCPRYP•
43265 - NRCPRSCRY•
52364 - - SNRYNRB•SL•
35264 - CLNYLSNLC•
23564 - BNSPN•
65432 - - R•P•R
23456 - - - CPRSYRS•P•R•
680 Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey; 640 Bristol, Cambridge, Yorkshire; 600 London No.3, Superlative No.2; 560 Rutland. 118 com, 64 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 8 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 ss - NSLCBYP•BL•R•
63254 - - NSLCBY•PR•
26354 - NSLCBYPR•
35264 - - NSLCBYP•R•
23564 - NSLCBYPR•
3 part. Contains 720 Bristol, London No.3; 600 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire. 125 changes of method. 96 combination rollups inc 18 56s. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 8 methods 23456 M W H Methods
(52436) - LC•
26435 - 2 BGC•FDFDDFFFD•D•
(32465) - DFFDFFFDF•
52364 2 WGB•D•LS
43265 - - CLSCLSC•WD•
(64235) - GBWGBWGBW•
53246 - - - WGW•S•L•
63254 - - - GCW•S•L•
(35264) 2 BWGBWGBWG•D•
64523 - s s SG•C•L•
52643 - - DFDDFDDDF•L•
62345 - GBWS•CL
35426 - - 2 SCLSCLS•B•GSB•F•
42356 - - LC•L•
34256 - LSCLSCLSC•
23456 - CGBS•
Contains 680 Clyde(D), Greenwich, London No.3; 600 Bristol, Cambridge, Lockington(F), Superlative No.2, Wootton Rivers. 111 changes of method, all the work. 52 combination rollups. 5080 Spliced Surprise Royal in 8 methods 23456 M W H Methods
42356 - RSNRCYRNB•
(53624) - - YBBSN•C•
63425 - CSBB•NR
53246 - - PL•BNYBN•
64235 - - - R•B•L•
26435 - CRPYCY•
43265 - - PBNCRNP•YNNS•
24365 - NSBBPNL•
53462 - - L•PL•
45362 - SRPNRCNRC•
34562 - BL•
54263 - YPLPYLB•SR
32465 - - L•SBBCCB•
64523 - - CYPY•S•CLYNLPY
34256 - 2 - L•P•NYSRCY•L•
23456 - RYPSCS•
Contains 680 Lincolnshire(N); 640 Bristol, Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire; 600 London No.3, Rutland, with 116 changes of method, all the work. 5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal in 9 methods 234567890 Parkway Surprise
573920486 Fussell Surprise
860492735 Fermanagh Surprise
907856342 Bristol Surprise
089674523 Fermanagh Surprise
795038264 Ellerby Surprise
648203957 Bristol Surprise
426385079 Parkway Surprise
352749608 Worcester Surprise
s 325749608 Fermanagh Surprise
- 453267890 November Surprise
- 345267890 Iodine Surprise
s 563482079 Larissa Delight
- 908375264 Fermanagh Surprise
- 789023456
9 part.
5280 Spliced Surprise Royal in 9 methods 23456 M W H Methods
(35426) 2 LS•CAW•
(25346) - - L•C•
35642 - BGC•DFADF
63542 - ADFA•
53246 - L•GBWG
32546 2 BWGBW•D•
62345 2 L•LGA•SL
45236 - s s CSLCSLC•S•L•
63254 - - - L•FADFADFA•GCS•
56234 - 3 GBWGBWGBW•L•D•D•
(32465) - - L•S•
52364 2 BA•F•LC
43265 - - SLCSLCS•AG•
26435 - - WGBWGBWGB•L•
42635 - CSG•
65324 - - 2 AWC•S•L•F•
42356 - - - L•S•GDG•
23456 2 LCSLCSLCS•F•
Contains 840 London No.3; 680 Superlative No.2; 640 Cambridge, Greenwich; 560 Attenborough; 480 Bristol, Clyde(D), Lockington(F), Wootton Rivers. 128 changes of method, all the work. 55 combination rollups. Backrounds. 25200 Spliced Surprise Royal in 10 methods 234567890 M W H Methods
423567089 Out - REJBB•CN•
34256 - RCNESBJ•
23456 - LYJCB•
423569078 V - RPYLS•JLC•
342569780 F/I - EPNP•CEJESSLC•PY•
23456 - RYBJEPN•
42356 - SRPCEYBN•
342569078 Out - RSBJR•CB•
23456 - NYLSBYPE•
354267890 F/Out 2 NLPB•E•YJ•BPPENBS•E
42356 - - CBBCJ•R•
34256 - LSNRCCEYP•
25346 - - SYEJRCB•R•
35642 - BCBCC•SR
32546 - - R•RN•
24536 - YR•L
53246 - - YL•E•
45236 - JRSNEYP•L
62534 - - NPLSNLB•JYJ•
56234 - SNYJR•
25634 - YSLYYEJR•
63254 - - NE•L•
26354 - BNBCYLC•
43652 - - R•CL•
64352 - YSNPCL•
36452 - BJLCSRS•
32654 - - R•PYNSY•
45623 - - - PPECPEN•P•SENBJ•
645237089 Out - LJLJR•CN•
564239078 V - BJL•RYPENCL•
45623 - ECNRJLPS•
64523 - JYPNL•
564237089 VV - SB•NYBSY•CBS•
45623 - YPESCLJR•
645237890 F/I - EJRPSL•BR•PC•
32465 - - - E•N•L•
2 part. Contains 2560 Bristol, Cambridge, Pudsey, Rutland, Lincolnshire(N); 2480 Jacob's Wells, London No.3, Nideggen(E), Superlative No.2, Yorkshire. 601 com, 112 cru's, all the work. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 11 methods 234567890 Vermuyden
426385079 Yorkshire
352749608 Lincolnshire
795038264 Anglia
648203957 Anglia
573920486 Cambridge
907856342 Lincolnshire
860492735 London No.3
- 908674523 Clyde
897056342 Bristol
- 906482735 Pudsey
420395678 London No.3
- 904263857 Superlative No.2
230597486 Rutland
- 902345678
9 part. Contains 720 Anglia, Lincolnshire, London No.3; 360 Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Vermuyden, Yorkshire. 116 com, all the work. 18 0987. 48+99 LB4 inc 32+32 LB5. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 14 methods 234567890 9 Methods
325749608 s BBBBBBBBB•
237950486 s HHHHHHHHH•
329078564 s KKKKKKKKK•
230896745 s QQQQQQQQQ•
328604957 s EEEEEEEEE•
236485079 s CCCCCCCCC•
324567890 s DDDDDDDDD•
235749608 s OOOOOOOOO•
327950486 s MMMMMMMMM•
239078564 s RRRRRRRRR•
320896745 s JJJJJJJJJ•
238604957 s GGGGGGGGG•
326485079 s TTTTTTTTT•
234567890 s FFFFFFFFF•
Contains 360 Bristol, Clarkson, Copper Dragon, Cornish, Essex, Glamis, Henleaze, Jaipur, Knifesmithgate, Maidwell, Quakers Friars, Quarrywood, Revesby, Tillicoultry. 13 changes of method, all the work. 46+85 LB4. Backrounds. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 14 methods 234567890 Vermuyden
426385079 Queensgate
352749608 Lincolnshire
795038264 Jacob`s Wells
648203957 Anglia
573920486 Cambridge
907856342 Yorkshire
860492735 Kegworth
- 908674523 Clyde
897056342 Bristol
- 906482735 Pudsey
420395678 London No.3
- 904263857 Superlative No.2
230597486 Rutland
- 902345678
9 part.
Contains 360 Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, Jacob`s Wells, Kegworth, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Pudsey, Queensgate, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Vermuyden, Yorkshire. 125 com, all the work. 23 0987. 63+114 LB4 inc 30+32 LB5. 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal in 14 methods 234567890 Vermuyden
426385079 Queensgate
352749608 Lincolnshire
795038264 Jacob's Wells
648203957 Anglia
573920486 Cambridge
907856342 Yorkshire
860492735 Kegworth
- 908674523 Clyde
897056342 Bristol
- 906482735 Pudsey
420395678 London No.3
- 904263857 Superlative No.2
230597486 Rylands
- 902345678
9 part. 360 Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde, Jacob's Wells, Kegworth, Lincolnshire, London No.3, Pudsey, Queensgate, Rylands, Superlative No.2, Vermuyden, Yorkshire. 125 com, all the work.
by Richard I Allton (No 620)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1771)
Rung at Bexhill on Sea on Sat 24th Nov 2007.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2337)
Rung at Worsley on Fri 3rd Feb 2017 conducted by Peter C Randall.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2179)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 737)
104 com, 58 cru's, all the work.
Rung at Beeston on Mon 19th Jul 1999.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1250)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1790)
Old Speckled Hen, Tanglefoot.
110 com, 51 cru's, all the work.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1791)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2286)
324 Maypole Alliance. 44 com, all the work. 14 0987. 60+96 LB4 inc 22+46 LB5.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 633)
Rung at Nottingham St Peter on Tue 10th Feb 1998.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 692)
Rung at Nottingham St Peter on Tue 8th Dec 1998.
Rung at Thatcham on Sat 24th Feb 2018 conducted by Colin G Newman.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1632)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1608)
5m(a): 1200 Yorkshire; 960 Bristol, Cambridge, London No.3, Superlative No.2. 108 com.
5m(b): 1200 Lincolnshire(N); 960 Bristol, Cambridge, London No.3, Superlative No.2. 108 com.
6m: 960 Bristol, London No.3, Superlative No.2; 720 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Yorkshire. 108 com.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1609)
5m: 1440 Cambridge; 1080 Lincolnshire(N), London No.3, Superlative No.2; 360 Bristol. 125 com.
6m: 1080 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), London No.3; 720 Superlative No.2, Yorkshire; 360 Bristol. 125 com.
7m: 1080 London No.3; 720 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire; 360 Bristol. 125 com.
8m: 720 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire; 360 Bristol, London No.3. 125 com.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1520)
Methods: Bristol, Cambridge, Clyde(D), Henleaze, Lincolnshire(N), London No.3, Pudsey, Queensgate, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Swindon(I), Upton, Wootton Rivers, Yorkshire.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1171)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1957)
with 120 changes of method, all the work.
Rung at Northampton, All Saints on Sat 14th Aug 2010.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2307)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2283)
An idea evolved with Ian Butters.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1204)
Rung at Kendal on Tue 15th Jul 2003.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1626)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1512)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1637)
Superlative No.2; 720 Lincolnshire.
108 com, 7 cru's, all the work.
Arranged from an original idea by David Hull.
Rung at Minehead on Sat 22nd Oct 2005.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2180)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2173)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2296)
Rung at Worsley on Fri 3rd Jun 2016 conducted by Peter C Randall.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2297)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2304)
5000: Contains 1000 London No.1, London No.2, London No.3, London No.4, London No.5. 124 changes of method, all the work. 19+80 LB4 inc 3+18 LB5.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1252)
680 Tissington. 110 com, 25 cru's, all the work.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2739)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1513)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1514)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2298)
Rung at Worsley on Fri 1st Jul 2016 conducted by Peter C Randall.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1515)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 950)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1516)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2013)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1517)
Rung at Glasgow on Sat 15th Jan 2005 conducted by Matthew J L Durham.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2159)
Rung at Derby Cathedral on Sun 6th Nov 2016 conducted by Christian M Peckham.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 951)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1823)
Rung at in hand on Wed 3rd Dec 2008 conducted by David C Brown.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2261)
1440 Fermanagh Surprise; 720 Bristol
Surprise, Parkway Surprise; 360 Ellerby
Surprise, Fussell Surprise, Iodine Surprise,
Larissa Delight, November Surprise,
Worcester Surprise. 125 com, all the work.
16 0987. 29 7890 off the front. 138+177
LB4 inc 34+60 LB5. Backrounds.
Iddesleigh may be rung for the first lead of Parkway
in each part.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 952)
Rung at Shoreditch, St Leonard on Sun 13th Nov 2022 conducted by Alan G Reading.
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 1308)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2344)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2284)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2345)
Home Printable Version
by Richard I Allton (No 2441)
23 0987. 75+123 LB4 inc 30+36 LB5.
Rung at Beeston on Sat 7th Jul 2018.
Home Printable Version