5100 November Surprise Major (624153) M B W H
136452 1 1
153462 1
162453 3 1
125634 -
153624 1 -
143265 2 - 1
123645 2 1
134625 2 2 1
154263 2 - 1
146253 1 -
163254 1 2
152364 1 - 2
164235 2 - 2
125346 1 1 2
123456 1 2
Start with rounds as the 21st row of the lead. Also have a special call 1256 at change 30 of the first lead. Contains 130 combination rollups, 18 56s, 16 65s, 8 7568s, 4 near misses, 36 four bell runs at the back, and 7 8765s, 24 four bell runs at the front.
by Richard I Allton (No 3008)
Rung at Haselbech on Wed 13th Nov 2024.
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