Richard I Allton's Compositions

5100 Daventry Surprise Major
by Richard I Allton (No 3003)

(612453) W B M H 134625 vhs - - - 162345 - - 153246 - - 162534 - - - 145623 - - - 136452 - - - 134562 - 2 125346 - - - 163254 4 - 123564 2 - 152436 - - 123645 - 2 2 - 156423 2 - - 142563 - - 135426 - - - 123456 - 3 Start with rounds as the 21st row of the lead. Also have a special call 3458 at change 24 of the first lead.

Contains 67 combination rollups, 22 56s, 4 near misses, 24 four bell runs at the back, and 28 combination rollups, 12 56s, 18 8765s, 34 four bell runs at the front, with Backrounds.
Rung at Whilton on Sun 15th Sep 2024.
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