5050 Isleworth Surprise Royal (625134789) N F M W V B m H
165432 vhs -
165492738 s s
132465789 s s -
164523 - -
153246 - - 2
134256 2
125346 ss - -
142356 -
163254 - -
123456 - 3
Start with rounds as the 31st row of the lead. Also have a special call vhs=3450 at change 34 of the first lead. N=7ths. m = halflead equivalent Middle.
by Richard I Allton (No 2883)
Contains 17 56s, 8 65s, 64 four bell runs at the back, with Backrounds.
Rung at Higham Ferrers on Fri 10th May 2024.
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