Ian Butters's Compositions

5088 Spliced Plain Royal in 2 methods
by Ian Butters (No 38)

234567890 W M H Methods   423567089 B. - LL,LLLP, 342567089 - LLLLLP, 324567089 s LLLLLP. 462357890 F,I. s s - LL,LLLLLP,LL.L.P, 24635 - PLLPLLPLL, | 62435 - LPLLPLLPL, |A 43265 s - LLPLLPL.LP,   | 25346 s s - LLLL.L.P, |B 24356 A   | 32456 4B   2 part. All calls refer to tenor position.

24 each 56 & 65 off back.
Contains 2560 Plain, 2528 Little, with 231 com, all the work.
Composition published in: C2000.
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5040 Spliced Royal in 3 methods
by Ian Butters (No 664)

234567890   902345678 HHBBBBHHH/X/P/P/  | A 456789023 7A 342567890 HHBBBBHHH/P/P/B 32456 HBBBHH; 24356 P/P/P/P/BHBBBHH/P/B 23456 HBBBHH;   / = bob, ; = single. X = BBBBBBBBH in first A block, & P in all other A blocks. To reduce to 5000 call X as BBBBBBHH in first A block.

13 56, 205 4 bell runs (inc 108 5 bell, 56 6 bell, 20 7 bell) off back; 13 098765 (inc backrounds), 211 4 bell runs (inc 112 5 bell, 58 6 bell, 21 7 bell) off front; All 9 cyclic courses in full.
The 5000 loses 2 runs (1 6 bell, 1 7 bell) off back.
Contains 2240 Bristol (B), 2200 Horsleydown (H), 600 Plain Bob (P), with 51 changes of method, all the work.
The 5000 contains 2240 Horsleydown, 2160 Bristol, all other details are same as 5040.
First rung as 5040.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 28th Jun 2016.
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