Ian Butters's Compositions

5040 Angel Festival Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 867)

2345678 F I M W B H 3527486 - - 2 4235678 - - - 43526 - 2 54326 3 - 24365 s s 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - -

15 56 & 6 65, 120 7890, 12 9780, 49 67890, little bell music (152 LB4, 57 LB5, 34 LB6) off back; 50 0987, 5 9780, 2 09876, little bell music (79 LB4, 12 LB5, 6 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (5 times & 45 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 24365 & 65432 courses.
Rung at Higham Ferrers on Fri 15th Dec 2023.
Home Printable Version

5004 Aubourn Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 623)

23456 M W H 52436 a - 24365 s s 2 53462 - - 65432 - (46325) 2 b 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - 3 a = F,F,F,F. b = sV,s2,s7,sF. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

24 each 56 & 65, little bell music (115 LB4, 63 LB5, 20 LB6) off back; 52 7890, 4 67890, little bell music (55 LB4, 20 LB5, 7 LB6) off front; Most (8 leads) of 23456, 24365, 64523 & 65432 courses.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 25th Aug 2015.
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5000 August Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 814)

23456 M W H 56342 - s s 24365 - - - 53462 - - 65432 - (62453) - 2 a 56324 2 - s 32465 s - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - b   a = sV,s2,s7,sF. b = B,F,I.

24 56 & 16 65, 138 7890, 6 0987, 43 67890, little bell music (113 LB4, 65 LB5, 29 LB6, inc 24 765432) off back; 49 7890, 5 0987, 3 09876, 2 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (51 LB4, 9 LB5, 4 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 24365, 64523 & 65432 courses.
Rung at Rothwell on Fri 5th Aug 2022.
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5040 Authorpe Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 399)

23456 M W H 34256 a 2 25346 - - 43652 - - 24365 b 3 62345 - (32546) - 23456 c - - - a = B,F,I. b = I,B,V,s2,sM,W,V. c = sV,s2,s7,sF.

24 56 & 21 65, 8 each 567089, 659780 & 876543, little bell music off back; 15 098765 (inc backrounds), 6 7890, 2 34567890, little bell music off front; 23456 course in full (3 times), most (8 leads) of 24365 course.
Also true to Yorkshire S.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 26th Sep 2006.
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5004 Beaumont Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 736)

23456 M W H 52436 - 24365 s s 2 53462 - - 65432 - (46325) 2 a 32465 - - 64523 - - 25346 - - 43652 - - 23456 b - 3 a = sV,s2,s7,sF. b = I,V. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

24 each 56 & 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (89 LB4, 54 LB5, 19 LB6) off back; 56 7890, little bell music (48 LB4, 14 LB5, 4 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full, most (8 leads) of 24365, 64523 & 65432 courses.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 24th Jul 2018.
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5000 Black Cat Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 378)

23456789 M W 6 H 34256 2 45392768 - a 2 - 25493768 2 53246789 b 2 - 2 43265 s s 3 65234 - - s 23456 s - - All calls refer to tenor position. a = sV,s2. b = s7,sF.

24 each 56 & 65, 19 650987, little bell music off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 22 7890, little bell music off front; 23456 in full (twice), 24365, 64523 & 65432 courses in full.
Also true to Yorkshire S.
Rung at Horsham on Sat 19th Nov 2005.
Home Printable Version

5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 307)

234567890 M W V H (234569078) B. - (234567089) 3 2 423567890 F,I. - 52346 s 42365 s s 3 62345 s 23456 s s 2 All calls refer to tenor position.

18 each 56 & 65, 18 650987, little bell music off back; 23456 course in full (5 times).
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Rutland S, Yorkshire S.
Rung at Hitchin on Sat 12th Mar 2011.
Home Printable Version

5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 491)

23456789 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 42365 s - 3 63254 s s s 35294768 - a 23456789 3 b 3 a = B,V. b = V,sF,s2,I.

18 each 56 & 65, 18 569078, little bell music (64 LB4, 32 LB5, 12 LB6) off back; Little bell music (26 LB4, 9 LB5, 7 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (twice, & 36 leads in total).
Home Printable Version

5080 Cambridge Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 492A)

23456 M W H 64352 - - 34526 a - s 23546 ss - 56342 s - 42365 s - 3 63254 s s s 23456 - 3 a = s6,s3,sV,s7.

20 56 & 18 65, little bell music (60 LB4, 28 LB5, 12 LB6) off back; little bell music (14 LB4, 5 LB5, 3 LB6) off front; 23456 & 64523 courses in full.
Home Printable Version

5000 Cambridge Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 693)

23456 M W X H (64235) 2 a 34265 s 3 64523 - s - 35426 - - 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,s7,sF.

18 each 56 & 65, little bell music (81 LB4, 45 LB5, 18 LB6) off back; Little bell music (25 LB4, 8 LB5, 5 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 64523 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total).
Rung at Belfast (Dundela) on Sat 13th May 2017.
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5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 665)

23456 M W H 43652 F,F,F,F. - (23456) I,V. - 42356 B,F,I. - 53624 a - 23465 - s 65432 s - 23456 - - - a = sV,s2,6,6,H,s7,sF.

14 56 & 6 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (132 LB4, 68 LB5, 30 LB6) off back; Little bell music (21 LB4, 7 LB, 4 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (twice, & 25 leads in total), 64523 course in full, most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 23rd Apr 2019.
Home Printable Version

5000 Cambridge Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 700)

23456 M W X H 34256 - 2 (24653) - a 53462 - s s 23465 s 3 65432 s - - 23456 - - - X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,6,6,s7,sF.

18 each 56 & 65, little bell music (83 LB4, 52 LB5, 18 LB6) off back; Little bell music (22 LB4, 8 LB5, 5 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 65432 course in full (3 times, & 35 leads in total).
Home Printable Version

5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 908)

23456 M W H 42356 a - 53624 - - 23465 - s 65432 s - 42536 - s 34526 - ss 25346 - s 23456 - 2 a = B,V,V,V,F,I.

20 56 & 6 65, 100 7890, 10 each 9780 & 0987, 50 67890, little bell music (91 LB4, 45 LB5, 18 LB6) off back; 2 67890, little bell music (29 LB4, 8 LB5, 6 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (5 times, & 45 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Home Printable Version

5004 Castle Rock Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 608)

23456 M W X H 42356 - - (35642) a 54326 - b 2 24365 s s - 53462 - - (65432) - c 23456 - - - X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,6,6,s7,sF. b = I,V. c = B,V,F,B. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

19 56 & 8 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (154 LB4, 93 LB5, 38 LB6) off back; 13 098765 (inc backrounds), 4 098756, 2 34567890, 16 7890, little bell music (99 LB4, 70 LB5, 28 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), 64523 course in full, 17 leads of 65432 course.
Rung at Moseley on Sun 14th Sep 2014.
Home Printable Version

5004 Danegate Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 556)

23456 M W X H 64352 - - 56342 - 24365 - - - 32465 - - 64523 - - (65432) - - a 43652 - - 35426 b 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,H,s7,sF. b = I,V. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

24 56 & 16 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (124 LB4, 80 LB5, 40 LB6) off back; 16 098765 (inc backrounds), 10 098756, 6 7890, 2 each 8790 & 34567890, little bell music (91 LB4, 59 LB5, 28 LB6) off front; 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 23rd Jan 2018.
Home Printable Version

5000 Eastgate Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 677)

23456 M W X H 64352 - - 56342 - 24365 - - - 32465 - - (64523) - - a (63254) - b 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = B,V,F,B. b = sV,s2,s7,sF.

24 56 & 16 65, little bell music (111 LB4, 79 LB5, 31 LB6 inc 24 765432, 9 LB7) off back; 24 098765, 12 098756, 14 7890, little bell music (99 LB4, 73 LB5, 30 LB6 inc 24 234567, 9 LB7) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads of each in total), 17 leads of 64523 course. Also contains 4 09s when rung to this method!
True to Lincolnshire S, Swindon S, Yorkshire S, Saltby T P.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 24th Sep 2019.
Home Printable Version

5040 Ecclefechan Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 625)

23456 M W X H 52436 - 24365 s s 2 32465 - - (64523) - - a 35426 - - 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = B,V,F,B.

24 each 56 & 65, little bell music (124 LB4, 88 LB5, 34 LB6, 9 LB7) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 14 098756, 6 7890, little bell music (80 LB4, 57 LB5, 24 LB6, 8 LB7) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads each in total), 17 leads of 64523 course.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Yorkshire S.
Rung at Wye on Mon 31st Aug 2015.
Home Printable Version

5004 Fallgate Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 778)

23456 M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 46325 - - 32465 - - 64523 - - 43526 - 2 52436 - - 24365 s s 2 53462 - - 65432 - (62453) - a 23456 - 2 a = B,V,6,s7,sF. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

18 each 56 & 65, 144 7890, 4 0987, 50 67890, little bell music (103 LB4, 39 LB5, 11 LB6) off back; 60 7890, 30 8790, 4 0987, 3 09876, 2 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (53 LB4, 12 LB5, 4 LB6) off front. 23456 course in full, most (8 leads) of 24365, 64523 & 65432 courses.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 17th Dec 2019.
Home Printable Version

5000 Finisterre Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 39)

23456 w M W H 42356 - 26354 - a - 24365 - - 2 62345 - 3 32465 - - - 64523 - - 25346 - - 3 23456 - 2 Lower case letters are half-lead equivalent calls (w=?). a = 1,1?,2,2? (8 lead course).

17 56 & 19 65, little bell music off back; 42 7890, little bell music off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full.
Also true to Swindon S.
Rung at Lockington on Tue 16th Apr 1985.
Composition published in: C2000, Ten Bell Comps(2004).
Home Printable Version

5004 Fosdyke Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 557)

23456 M W X H 42356 - - (35642) a 35426 - b 56423 - 2 23465 - - - s (65432) s - c 23456 - - - X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,6,6,s7,sF. b = I,V. c = B,V,F,B. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

19 56 & 8 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (130 LB4, 97 LB5, 38 LB6) off back; 14 7890, 13 098765 (inc backrounds), 9 8790, 2 34567890, little bell music (95 LB4, 74 LB5, 28 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full (twice, & 22 leads in total), 64523 course in full (twice, & 18 leads in total), 17 leads of 65432 course.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 26th Mar 2013.
Home Printable Version

5000 Hexham Priory Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 330)

23456789 M W H 34256 2 53246 - 3 43265 s s 3 52364 - - 35294768 a - 23456789 3 b - a = sV,s2. b = s6,sH,s7,sF,W (17 leads).

24 each 56 & 65, 16 650987, little bell music off back; 14 7890, 12 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music off front; 23456 course in full (17 leads in total), 24365 course in full.
Also true to Yorkshire S.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 28th Sep 2004.
Home Printable Version

5148 Hollygate Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 907)

234567890 W X H 24536 - 2 35426 2 2 42356 - a - 423907856 - 3 234567890 - 2 Half lead s = 7890. X = s6,s7½. a = B,F,I.

20 56 & 0 65, 96 7890, 12 9780, 86 67890, 18 098765, little bell music (134 LB4, 52 LB5, 21 LB6, 14 LB7) off back; 64 0987, 64 09876, 24 each 567890 & 098765, little bell music (97 LB4, 52 LB5, 27 LB6, inc 24 234567, 15 LB7) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total). Also contains 2 09s when rung to this method.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 22nd Oct 2024.
Home Printable Version

5040 Horsleydown Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 49)

23456 M W H 53426 s 32465 s s 2* 62435 s 32456 s s 3 2 part. 2* = s-.

24 56 & 16 65 off back; 24 098765 off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full.
Also true to Superlative No.2 S (with same music).
Rung at Ranmoor on Sat 12th Jul 1986.
Composition published in: C2000, Ten Bell Comps(2004).
Home Printable Version

5024 Ingham Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 592)

23456 M W H 34256 a 2 25346 - - (43652) - - b (54263) - c 24365 - d 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - a = F,F,F,F,B,F,I. b = I,B,F. c = sV,s2,6,s7,sF. d = B,F,I. For methods with 32 rows per lead.

18 56 & 6 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (164 LB4, 110 LB5, 39 LB6) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 6 098756, 4 7890, 2 34567890, little bell music (137 LB4, 93 LB5, 34 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (twice, & 34 leads in total), 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 27th May 2014.
Home Printable Version

5092 Julie McDonnell Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 678A)

23456 M W X H 64352 - - (26435) - a 24365 - 2 32465 - - (64523) - - b 35426 - - 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,H,s7,sF. b = B,V,F,B. For methods with 38 rows per lead.

24 each 56 & 65, little bell music (133 LB4, 91 LB5, 33 LB6 inc 24 765432) off back; 8 8790, 3 each 098765 & 098756, little bell music (42 LB4, 16 LB5, 9 LB6) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads of each in total), 17 leads of 64523 course.
Rung at Bletchingley on Sat 10th Dec 2016.
Home Printable Version

5000 Julie McDonnell Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 687)

23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 42365 s - 3 64523 - a - 35426 - - 23456 - b 3 a = sV,s2,sH,H,s7,sF. b = B,F,I.

24 each 56 & 65, little bell music (102 LB4, 56 LB5, 32 LB6) off back; 12 8790, little bell music (46 LB4, 13 LB5, 9 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 35 leads in total).
Rung at Knottingley on Mon 24th Apr 2017 conducted by Malcolm S Turner.
Home Printable Version

5000 Katsman Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 832)

23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 24365 - - - 53462 - - 65432 - (36245) - a 64523 - 2 35426 - - 23456 - b 3 a = sV,s2,6,s7,sF. b = B,F,I.

18 56 & 6 65, 136 7890, 4 0987, 31 67890, little bell music (148 LB4, 52 LB5, 20 LB6) off back; 48 0987, 4 7890, 8 09876, 2 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (44 LB4, 4 LB5) off front.
Rung at Dordrecht, Grote Kerk on Sat 11th Mar 2023.
Home Printable Version

5080 Kirkby Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 851)

2345678 F M W V H 35426 4 - I. - 3527486 - B. 3 4235678 - I. - 54326 - 24365 s s 64352 s s 23456 - -

16 56 & 8 65, 78 7890, 12 each 0987 & 9780, 37 67890, little bell music (183 LB4, 111 LB5, 47 LB6, 19 LB7, 9 LB8, 4 LB9) off back; 61 0987, 19 9780, 11 7890, 27 09876, 14 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (162 LB4, 77 LB5, 31 LB6, 15 LB7, 9 LB8, 4 LB9) off front; 23456 course in full (4 times, & 43 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 24365 course.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 25th Jul 2023.
Home Printable Version

5040 Maltby Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 855)

234567890 M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 46325 - - 24365 - 53462 - - 65432 - 24536 - - 35426 2 2 234560987 F,6,V. 643527890 I,H,I. - 23456 - - All calls refer to the tenor position.

14 56 & 6 65, 116 7890, 16 0987, 41 67890, little bell music (130 LB4, 36 LB5, 9 LB6) off back; 60 7890, 24 8790, 10 0987, 4 09876, 2 67890, 1 098765, little bell music (94 LB4, 18 LB5, 5 LB6) off front. 23456 course in full, most (8 leads) of 24365 & 65432 courses.
Rung at Hatfield on Fri 22nd Sep 2023.
Home Printable Version

5040 Moray Firth Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 336)

23456 M W H 34256 2 | 53246 - |A 32465 s s 2 | 64523 - - 32456 - s - 23465 A 65432 s - 23456 - - -

12 56 & 8 65, little bell music off back; 112 7890, little bell music off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 & 65432 courses.
Also true to Superlative No.2.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 25th Jan 2005.
Home Printable Version

5040 Newthorpe Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 717)

23456 M W X H 35426 - a 42356 - - - (54326) b 24365 s s - 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - X = B,F,I. a = I,V. b = sV,s2,6,6,F,B.

19 56 & 8 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (159 LB4, 107 LB5, 42 LB6, 12 LB7) off back; 10 each 098765 (inc backrounds) & 7890, 4 each 098756 & 8790, 2 34567890, little bell music (98 LB4, 64 LB5, 28 LB6, 10 LB7) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (twice, & 26 leads each in total), 64523 course in full, most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Swindon S, Yorkshire S.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 28th Nov 2017.
Home Printable Version

5000 Okeover Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 65)

234567890 w M W m H 234567908 B,F. 3 342567890 I. 2 32546 - 2* 53246 3* -* 24365 - a - - 43265 B,F,I. 2 45236 - - - - 23456 - - Omit 2 blocks of 3 (calls marked * are suggested). Lower case letters are half-lead equivalent calls (w=?, m=8?). a = 1,1?,2,2?,3? (8 lead course).

24 each 56 & 65, 24 659780, little bell music off back; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times each). Music is as for suggested reduction.
Rung at Macclesfield, Christ Church on Sat 1st Apr 1989.
Composition published in: Ten Bell Comps(2004).
Home Printable Version

5004 Pearl Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 808)

23456789 M W V H 3527486 B. 3 4235678 F,I. - 54326 - 24365 s s 53462 - - 43652 2 - (43652) I,B,F. 43596728 B,V. - 23456789 s7,sF. - - 2 For methods with 36 rows per lead.

24 56 & 8 65, 102 7890, 18 0987, 40 67890, 2 09876543, little bell music (161 LB4, 102 LB5, 39 LB6, inc 24 765432) off back; 62 0987, 13 7890, 4 8790, 28 09876, 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 2 34567890, little bell music (109 LB4, 77 LB5, 31 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (5 times, & 45 leads in total), 65432 course in full, most (8 leads) of 24365 course.
Rung at Higham Ferrers on Mon 4th Jul 2022.
Home Printable Version

5000 Pennifold Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 379)

23456789 w M W 6 H 32465 - s s 3 64523 - - 35426 - - 34256 - 2 45392768 - a 2 - 34592768 3 - 23456789 b 2 - - All calls refer to tenor position. Lower case letters are half-lead equivalent calls (w=?). a = sV,s2. b = s7,sF.

24 each 56 & 65, 24 650987, little bell music off back; 30 7890, backrounds, little bell music off front; 23456 & 65432 courses in full (twice each), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Also true to Yorkshire S.
Rung at Southgate on Sat 3rd Dec 2005.
Home Printable Version

5080 Polebrook Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 639)

23456 M W X H 43652 - 34256 a - - 2 53462 b - 24365 s s 23465 - s 65432 s - 23456 - - - X = B,F,I. a = I,V. b = I,H,V.

16 56 & 12 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (72 LB4, 58 LB5, 30 LB6, 11 LB7) off back; 14 098765 (inc backrounds), 12 098756, 2 each 7890 & 34567890, little bell music (112 LB4, 68 LB5, 31 LB6, 11 LB7) off front; 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Rung at Rothwell on Fri 4th Dec 2015.
Home Printable Version

5080 Pontefract Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 51)

23456 X M W H 35264 - 63254 - 34256 - 2 32546 - 2 24365 - 3 62345 - 53246 - - 23456 2 - X = I,V.

17 each 56 & 65, little bell music off back.
Rung at Pontefract on Sat 22nd Nov 1986.
Home Printable Version

5000 Promethium Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 42)

23456 w W X m H 42356 - - 34256 - - 25346 - - 24365 a - 3 53246 - - - 23456 - - - -   Lower case letters are half-lead equivalent calls (w=?, m=8?). X = B,F,I. a = 1,1?,2,2?,3? (8 lead course).

24 each 56 & 65, 24 each 567089 & 659780, little bell music off back; 23456 course in full (3 times), 24365 course in full.
Also true to Yorkshire S.
Rung at Duffield on Sat 22nd Feb 1986.
Composition published in: Ten Bell Comps(2004).
Home Printable Version

5040 Pudsey Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 858)

23456 M W H 65432 - - - 62534 2 - 43526 - - - 54326 3 - 24365 s s 64523 2* s 35426 - - 23456 - 3 2* = -s.

11 56 & 3 65, 84 7890, 38 67890, little bell music (59 LB4, 16 LB5, 5 LB6) off back; 28 0987, 14 9780, 4 09876, 2 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (32 LB4, 5 LB5) off front; Most (8 leads) of 23456, 24365 & 64523 courses.
Home Printable Version

5040 Pudsey Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 858A)

23456 M W H 65432 - - - 62534 2 - 43526 - - - 54326 3 - 24365 s s 64523 2* s 35426 - - 23456 - a 2* = -s. a = B,F,I.

7 56 & 3 65, 72 7890, 30 67890, little bell music (68 LB4, 24 LB5, 9 LB6) off back; 25 0987, 12 9780, 4 09876, 2 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (39 LB4, 7 LB5) off front; 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 24365 & 64523 courses.
Home Printable Version

5040 Pytchley Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 884)

23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 23465 s 2* s 65432 s - 24536 - - 35426 2 2 23456 - a 3 2* = s-. a = B,F,I.

20 56 & 6 65, 120 7890, 10 9780, 51 67890, little bell music (118 LB4, 40 LB5, 18 LB6) off back; 24 each 7890 & 8790, little bell music (48 LB4, 9 LB5, 5 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Rung at Rothwell on Fri 3rd May 2024.
Home Printable Version

5080 Queensthorpe Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 853)

23456789 M W H 43652 F,F,F,F. - (23456) I,V. - 35284967 B,V,V. 42356789 sF,s2,I. - 53246 2 2 23456 2 -

12 56 & 0 65, 90 7890, 12 0987, 54 67890, little bell music (166 LB4, 72 LB5, 25 LB6) off back; 47 0987, 9 7890, 32 09876, 8 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (104 LB4, 50 LB5, 17 LB6) off front.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 23rd May 2023.
Home Printable Version

5056 Risegate Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 755)

23456 M W X H 64352 - - 36452 a - 53462 - 24365 s s 23465 - s 43652 s 2 - 35426 b 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = s6,s3,sF,s6. b = I,V. For methods with 32 rows per lead.

18 56 & 12 65, little bell music (146 LB4, 94 LB5, 44 LB6, 14 LB7, 5 LB8, inc 2 09876543) off back; 16 098765 (inc backrounds), 12 098756, 2 each 7890 & 8790, little bell music (103 LB4, 71 LB5, 40 LB6, 14 LB7, 5 LB8, inc 2 34567890) off front; 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), 65432 course in full.
Rung at Sapcote on Thu 21st Mar 2019.
Home Printable Version

5000 Saga Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 329)

23456789 M W H 42356 - 35294768 s s a - 23594768 3 - 52364789 b - 32465 - 3 64523 - - 23456 - 2 2 a = sV,s2. b = s6,sH,s7,sF,sM,sW (17 leads).

24 each 56 & 65, 24 650987, little bell music off back; 28 7890, little bell music off front; 23456 course in full (twice), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Also true to Yorkshire S.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 22nd Feb 2005.
Home Printable Version

5040 Saltby Treble Place Royal
by Ian Butters (No 676)

23456789 M W X H 32574986 I. s (42573986) s 47592836 B. - 43652789 F. - - 35476982 I. 98765432 B,B,B. - 23456789 F,F. - 3 X = B,F,I.

24 56 & 0 65, 2 09876543, little bell/cyclic music (158 LB4, 82 LB5, 59 LB6 inc 24 each 765432 & 456789, 18 LB7) off back; 24 098765, 2 34567890, little bell/cyclic music (116 LB4, 82 LB5, 59 LB6 inc 24 each 234567 & 987654, 19 LB7) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total). Also contains 2 09s to this method!
Rung at Saltby on Wed 30th Nov 2016.
Home Printable Version

5004 Silvergate Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 607)

23456 M W X H 43526 - a - 52364 s s - 24365 - 2 32465 - - 64523 - - (63254) - b 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = I,V. b = sV,s2,s7,sF. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

19 56 & 18 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (108 LB4, 67 LB5, 33 LB6) off back; 18 each 098765 (inc backrounds) & 098756, 4 7890, little bell music (81 LB4, 56 LB5, 26 LB6) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads each in total), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Also true to Castle Rock A Royal.
Rung at Rothwell on Fri 3rd Nov 2017.
Home Printable Version

5080 Silverstone Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 602)

23456 M W X H 34256 - 2 25346 - - 43652 - - 35426 a 24365 b s 23465 - s 65432 s - 23456 - - - X = B,F,I. a = I,V. b = I,sH,M,V.

18 56 & 10 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (68 LB4, 58 LB5, 30 LB6, 11 LB7) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 10 098756, 4 7890, 2 each 34567890 & 8790, little bell music (86 LB4, 60 LB5, 28 LB6, 10 LB7) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads each in total), most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Yorkshire S.
Rung at Ash next Sandwich on Mon 25th Aug 2014.
Home Printable Version

5016 Southwell Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 732)

23456 M W X H 43652 F,F,F,F. - 24356 I,V. - - s 54326 s 64523 I,V. - - 23456 - s s X = B,F,I. For methods with 38 rows per lead.

12 56 & 0 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (161 LB4, 78 LB5, 30 LB6) off back; 2 67890, little bell music (29 LB4, 7 LB5, 4 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (twice, & 25 leads in total), 64523 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total).
Rung at Saltby on Tue 22nd May 2018.
Home Printable Version

5040 Superlative Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 468)

23456 M W H 43652 a - 53624 I,B,F. s s 23465 - s ss 65432 s - 23456 7,s7. s 3 a = F,F,F,s7,F,B,sV,F,B.

6 56 & 4 65, 2 09876543, little bell music, cyclic music off back; 6 each 7890 & 098765 (inc backrounds), 2 34567890, little bell music, cyclic music off front; 23456, 24365 & 674523 courses in full; 3 09's at backstroke!
Rung at Saltby on Tue 7th Apr 2009.
Home Printable Version

5000 Superlative No.2 Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 7)

23456 w M h W m H 64523 a 36245 - - - 32465 - - - 24365 - - 43265 - - 53246 - - - - 32546 - - 25346 - - 52436 - 2 - 23456 2 3 Lower case letters are half-lead equivalent calls (w=?, h=4?, m=8?). a = 1,1?,2,2? (8 lead course).

12 each 56 & 65 off back.
Rung at Lockington on Tue 20th Oct 1981.
Composition published in: C2000, Ten Bell Comps(2004).
Home Printable Version

5040 Superlative No.2 Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 335)

23456 M W H 34256 2 54236 s 34265 s s ss 64523 - s 24356 - s 3 53426 s s 23465 s s ss 65432 s - 23456 - - -

24 56 & 16 65, little bell music off back; 24 098765, little bell music off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 & 65432 courses.
Also true to Moray Firth S.
Rung at Hackney, St John the Baptist on Thu 18th Nov 2010 conducted by Stephen A Wheeler.
Home Printable Version

5000 Swindon Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 66)

23456 w M h W H 42356 - 26354 - a - 52364 - 24365 - 2 62345 - 3 32465 - - - 25346 - - - - 3 23456 - 2 Lower case letters are half-lead equivalent calls (w=?, h=4?). a = 1,1?,2,2? (8 lead course).

19 56 & 17 65 off back; 28 7890 off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full; 14 combination course ends.
Rung at Beccles on Sat 15th Apr 1989.
Home Printable Version

5000 Swindon Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 73)

23456 M W H 34256 2 53246 - 3 23645 - 3 24365 a - - 3 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - a = 1,1?,2,2? (8 lead course).

19 56 & 18 65, little bell music off back; 28 7890 off front; 23456 course in full, most (8 leads) of 24365 & 65432 courses.
Home Printable Version

5000 Tolethorpe Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 400)

23456 M W H 34256 a 2 25346 - - 43652 - - 56234 b - - 32465 - - 3 64523 - - 32546 - - - 23456 c - - - For 5000 Tolethorpe S omit b (which is false to Tolethorpe). For 5000 Yorkshire S omit a or b. a = B,F,I. b = I,B,F. c = sV,s2,s7,sF.

19 56 & 18 65, little bell music off back; 15 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music off front; 23456 course in full (3 times), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Also true to Yorkshire S.
Rung at Tavistock on Sun 21st Sep 2008.
Home Printable Version

5040 Tresham Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 799)

23456 M W H 34256 2 24536 ss 2 - 43526 2 3 23465 2 s ss 65432 s - 23456 - - -

21 56 & 12 65, 140 7890, 64 67890, little bell music (90 LB4, 25 LB5, 7 LB6) off back; Little bell music (18 LB4, 3 LB5, 2 LB6) off front. 23456 & 24365 courses in full, most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Rung at Rothwell on Fri 22nd Apr 2022.
Home Printable Version

5000 Triquetra Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 854)

234567890 M W X H 45236 - - (36245) a 32465 - 2 64523 - - 35426 - - 42356 - b - 423907856 - 3 234567890 -  2 Half lead s = 7890. X = s6,s7½. a = sV,s2,6,S7,sF. b = B,F,I.

18 56 & 12 65, 52 7890, 6 9780, 4 0987, 32 67890, 18 098765, little bell music (72 LB4, 52 LB5, 22 LB6) off back; 71 0987, 9 9780, 7 7890, 41 09876, 18 each 567890 & 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (93 LB4, 61 LB5, 23 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Rung at Rothwell on Fri 4th Aug 2023.
Home Printable Version

5040 Twosday Treble Place Royal
by Ian Butters (No 792)

234567890 M W X H 52436 - 32465 s s 3 64523 - - 35426 - - 42356 - a - 423907856 - 3 234567890 - 2 Half lead s = 7890. X = s6,s7½. a = B,F,I.

24 each 56 & 65, 108 7890, 50 67890, little bell music (123 LB4, 86 LB5, 54 LB6 inc 24 each 765432 & 098765, 9 LB7) off back; 82 0987, 45 09876, 24 098765, 20 098756, little bell music (102 LB4, 77 LB5, 53 LB6 inc 24 each 234567 & 567890, 9 LB7) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course. Also contains 2 09s when rung to this method.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 22nd Feb 2022.
Home Printable Version

5104 Underbank Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 698)

23456 M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 24365 - - - 53462 - - 65432 - 46325 2 a 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - 3 a = s5½,6,s6½,7. Half lead single = 7890. For methods with 44 rows per lead.

18 56 & 12 65, little bell music (110 LB4, 38 LB5, 9 LB6) off back; 104 7890, little bell music (115 LB4, 27 LB5, 8 LB6) off front; Most (8 leads) of 23456, 24365, 64523 & 65432 courses.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 27th Jun 2017.
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 259)

234567890 2 4 5 7 9 34256 2 342560987 - - 3 532467890 - - - 36245 - 2 43265 - 3 65432 2 - 23456 - - -

16 56 & 18 65, 14 560987, little bell music off back; 16 each 098765 & 7890, little bell music off front; 23456 course in full (twice), 24365 course in full.
Music analysis is for Woodspring S Royal (ie Cambridge above).
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 555)

23456 M W X H 34256 - 2 25346 - - 35426 - - a 56423 - 2 24365 - - -* 3* 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - Omit either -* or 3*. X = B,F,I. a = I,V. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

24 each 56 & 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (118 LB4, 83 LB5, 38 LB6) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 16 098756, 2 34567890, little bell music (92 LB4, 65 LB5, 28 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), 64523 course in full, most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Music analysis is for full length (5688) & will vary according to which block is omitted.
Music analysis is for Fosdyke A Royal.
Home Printable Version

5080 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 600)

23456 M W H 34256 a 2 25346 - - 43652 - - 43526 b - 43265 c 3 65432 2 - 23456 - - - a = B,F,I. b = I,V. c = I,H,V.

18 56 & 16 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (52 LB4, 44 LB5, 28 LB6, 11 LB7) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 16 098756, 2 each 7890 & 34567890, little bell music (77 LB4, 48 LB5, 27 LB6, 11 LB7) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Music analysis is for Silverstone S Royal.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Yorkshire S.
Home Printable Version

5082 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 601)

23456 M W H 34256 a 2 25346 - - 43652 - - 43526 b - 23465 2 s ss 65432 s - 52436 - 2 (32456) s   a = B,F,I. b = I,V.

15 56 & 12 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (59 LB4, 44 LB5, 28 LB6, 11 LB7) off back; 16 098765 (inc backrounds), 10 098756, 2 each 7890 & 34567890, little bell music (85 LB4, 47 LB5, 26 LB6, 10 LB7) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Music analysis is for Silverstone S Royal.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, but NOT Yorkshire S.
Home Printable Version

5080 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 603)

23456 M W H 34256 a 2 25346 - - 64352 - - - 32465 b s s 54263 - - 53462 2 - 65432 - 23456 - - - a = B,F,I. b = s6,s3,sV,s7.

18 56 & 12 65, little bell music (61 LB4, 44 LB5, 28 LB6, 10 LB7) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 10 098756, 2 7890, little bell music (86 LB4, 48 LB5, 27 LB6, 11 LB7) off back; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Music analysis is for Silverstone S Royal.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Yorkshire S.
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 604)

23456 X M W H 43652 - 52364 2 32465 - 3 64523 - - (63254) - a 23456 - b 3 X = I,V. a = sV,s2,s7,sF. b = B,F,I.

18 each 56 & 65, 4 0987, 2 09876543, little bell music (54 LB4, 44 LB5, 28 LB6, 11 LB7) off back; 18 each 098765 (inc backrounds) & 098756, 4 7890, 2 34567890, little bell music (68 LB4, 46 LB5, 27 LB6, 11 LB7) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Music analysis is for Silverstone S Royal.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Yorkshire S.
Home Printable Version

5004 Unrung (group B) Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 609)

23456 M W X H 34256 - 2 25346 - - 54326 - - a 2 24365 s s - (25634) - b (65432) - c 23456 - - - X = B,F,I. a = I,V. b = sV,s2,s7,sF. c = B,V,F,B. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

24 56 & 8 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (138 LB4, 85 LB5, 38 LB6) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 4 098756, 2 34567890, 10 7890, little bell music (94 LB4, 66 LB5, 28 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), 18 leads of 65432 course.
Music analysis is for Castle Rock A Royal.
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 605)

23456 M W H 64352 - - (52436) a 32465 s s 3 (64523) - - b (63254) - c 23456 - d 3 a = s6,s3,sV,s7. b = B,V,F,B. c = sV,s2,s7,sF. d = B,F,I.

18 each 56 & 65, 8 0987, little bell music (60 LB4, 50 LB5, 28 LB6, 10 LB7) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 16 098756, 6 7890, little bell music (78 LB4, 53 LB5, 27 LB6, 11 LB7) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full, 17 leads of 64523 course.
Music analysis is for Silverstone S Royal.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Yorkshire S.
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 641)

23456 M W X H 43652 - 34256 a - - 2 53462 b - 24365 - - 32465 - - 23456 c - - - X = B,F,I. a = I,V. b = I,H,V. c = sV,s2,6,s7,sF.

21 56 & 19 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (130 LB4, 88 LB5, 38 LB6, 12 LB7) off back; 13 098756, 12 098765 (inc backrounds), 2 each 7890, 8790 & 34567890, little bell music (84 LB4, 49 LB5, 25 LB6, 10 LB7) off front; 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total).
Music analysis is for Venford S Royal.
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 642)

23456 W X H 45236 - - 24365 a - 32465 - - 43652 b - - 23456 c - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = I,M,V. b = sV,s2,6,s7,sF. c = I,V.

24 56 & 16 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (127 LB4, 84 LB5, 38 LB6, 12 LB7) off back; 16 098765 (inc backrounds), 11 098756, 2 each 7890, 8790 & 34567890, little bell music (75 LB4, 45 LB5, 26 LB6, 10 LB7) off front; 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total).
Music analysis is for Venford S Royal.
Home Printable Version

5004 Unrung (group B) Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 675)

23456 M W X H 43526 - a - (24653) - b 56342 - - 24365 - - - 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = I,V. b = sV,s2,6,s7,sF. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

22 56 & 18 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (151 LB4, 85 LB5, 32 LB6) off back; 16 098765 (inc backrounds), 10 098756, 4 7890, 2 each 8790 & 34567890, little bell music (112 LB4, 66 LB5, 29 LB6) off front; 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Music analysis is for Vennington A.
Home Printable Version

5092 Unrung (group B) Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 677A)

23456 M W X H 64352 - - 56342 - 24365 - - - 32465 - - 64523 - - - (63254) - a 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,s7,sF. For methods with 38 rows per lead.

24 56 & 16 65, little bell music (142 LB4, 100 LB5, 36 LB6 inc 24 765432) off back; 4 8790, 3 each 098765 & 098756, little bell music (38 LB4, 12 LB5, 9 LB6) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads of each in total), 64523 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total).
Music analysis is for Julie McDonnell A.
Home Printable Version

5000 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 678)

23456 M W X H 64352 - - (26435) - a 24365 - 2 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,H,s7,sF.

24 each 56 & 65, little bell music (107 LB4, 65 LB5, 30 LB6 inc 24 765432) off back; 20 each 098765 (inc backrounds) & 098756, 8 7890, little bell music (91 LB4, 67 LB5, 30 LB6 inc 24 234567) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads of each in total), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Music analysis is for Saltby T P.
True to Lincolnshire S, Swindon S, Yorkshire S.
Home Printable Version

5000 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 688)

23456 M W X H 34256 - 2 (43625) - a 53624 s 23465 - s 3 65432 s - - 23456 - - - X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,6,s6,H,s7,sF.

24 each 56 & 65, little bell music (106 LB4, 76 LB5, 38 LB6) off back; 12 8790, little bell music (27 LB4, 10 LB5, 8 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 65432 course in full (3 times, & 35 leads in total).
Music analysis is for Julie McDonnell S.
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 716)

23456 M W X H 53462 s s 24365 - - 32465 - - 64523 - - - 35426 - - 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I.

24 56 & 16 65, little bell music (144 LB4, 100 LB5, 36 LB6, 9 LB7) off back; 16 098765 (inc backrounds), 12 098756, 3 each 7890 & 8790, little bell music (91 LB4, 61 LB5, 24 LB6, 8 LB7) off front; 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 23456 & 64523 courses in full (twice, & 26 leads each in total).
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Swindon S, Yorkshire S.
Music analysis is for Newthorpe D.
Home Printable Version

5000 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 716A)

23456 M W X H 53462 s s 24365 - - 32465 - - 64523 - - - (63254) - a 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,s7,sF.

24 56 & 16 65, little bell music (134 LB4, 98 LB5, 36 LB6, 9 LB7) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 12 098756, 5 7890, 3 8790, little bell music (83 LB4, 61 LB5, 24 LB6, 8 LB7) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads each in total), 64523 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total).
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Swindon S, Yorkshire S.
Music analysis is for Newthorpe D.
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 774)

23456 M W H 34256 2 25346 - - 64352 - - - 32465 a s s 3 64523 - - (54326) - 25634 b - - 23456 2 - - a = s6,s3,sV,s7. b = sV,s2,s7,sF.

18 each 56 & 65, 122 7890, 35 67890, little bell music (76 LB4, 42 LB5, 14 LB6, 6 LB7) off back; 70 0987, 5 098765 (inc backrounds), 2 7890, little bell music (54 LB4, 20 LB5, 6 LB6, 3 LB7) off front; 23456, 24365 & 65432 courses in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Music analysis is for Wyevale S.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Swindon S, Yorkshire S.
Home Printable Version

5000 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 775)

23456 M W X H 52364 2 s s 24365 - 2 32465 - - 64523 - - (63254) - a 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = sV,s2,s7,sF.

18 each 56 & 65, 94 7890, 24 67890, 4 0987, little bell music (88 LB4, 57 LB5, 22 LB6, 7 LB7) off back; 56 0987, 3 098765 (inc backrounds), 2 each 7890 & 8790, little bell music (77 LB4, 30 LB5, 10 LB6, 4 LB7) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads each in total), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Music analysis is for Wyevale S.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Swindon S, Yorkshire S.
Home Printable Version

5004 Unrung (group B) Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 779)

23456 M W H 64352 - - 53462 2 2 65432 - (63425) - a 52436 - - - 32465 s s 3 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - 3 a = B,V,6,H,s7,sF. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

18 each 56 & 65, 144 7890, 4 0987, 42 67890, little bell music (109 LB4, 43 LB5, 11 LB6) off back; 60 7890, 30 8790, 3 09876, 2 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (55 LB4, 12 LB5, 4 LB6) off front; 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 23456, 64523 & 65432 courses.
Music analysis is for Fallgate A.
Home Printable Version

5004 Unrung (group B) Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 808A)

23456789 M W H 42356 B,F,I. - 54326 - (24365) s s 53462 B,F,I. - - 43652 2 - (43652) I,B,F. 43596728 B,V. - 23456789 s7,sF. - - 2 For methods with 36 rows per lead.

24 56 & 8 65, 102 7890, 6 0987, 40 67890, 2 09876543, little bell music (161 LB4, 112 LB5, 39 LB6, inc 24 765432) off back; 63 0987, 5 7890, 2 8790, 28 09876, 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 2 34567890, little bell music (114 LB4, 77 LB5, 31 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), 65432 course in full.
Music analysis is for Pearl A.
Home Printable Version

5080 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 852)

2345678 F M W V H 35426 4 - I. - 3527486 - B. 3 4235678 - I. - 54326 - 23465 s s s 65432 s - 23456 - - -

16 56 & 8 65, 78 7890, 12 each 9780 & 0987, 37 67890, little bell music (184 LB4, 117 LB5, 49 LB6, 19 LB7, 9 LB8, 4 LB9) off back; 59 0987, 19 9780, 11 7890, 31 09876, 12 098765 (inc backrounds), little bell music (152 LB4, 98 LB5, 36 LB6, 16 LB7, 9 LB8, 4 LB9) off front; 23456 course in full (4 times, & 43 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Music analysis is for Twosday T P (for which it also contains 4 09s at backstroke!).
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 856)

234567890 M W H 42356 - 53624 - - 46325 - - 24365 - 53462 - - 65432 - 24536 - - 325460987 F,V,6. 645237890 I,sH,s7,I. - 35426 - - 234560987 F,V,6. 643527890 I,H,I. - 23456 - - All calls refer to the tenor position.

13 56 & 6 65, 112 7890, 12 0987, 25 67890, little bell music (142 LB4, 43 LB5, 9 LB6) off back; 60 7890, 24 8790, 10 0987, 4 each 09876 & 67890, 1 098765, little bell music (103 LB4, 16 LB5, 6 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full, most (8 leads) of 24365, 64523 & 65432 courses.
Home Printable Version

5040 Unrung (group B) Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 857A)

23456789 M V W H 32574986 F,I,B,I. s (64523789) s - - 42593768 B,V,6. 43652789 s½,sF. - 98765432 I,B,B,B. 35274869 F,F,B. 2345678 F,I. 3 Half lead s = 7890.

21 56 & 0 65, 216 4 bell runs (inc 113 5 bell, 61 6 bell, 21 7 bell, 9 8 bell & 4 9 bell) off back; 24 098765, 202 4 bell runs (inc 115 5 bell, 69 6 bell, 23 7 bell, 9 8 bell & 4 9 bell) off front. 23456 course in full (5 times, & 45 leads in total). Also contains 4 09s when rung to this method.
Music analysis is for Jovium T P Royal.
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5080 Venford Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 640)

23456 M W H 43652 a - (23456) b - 34256 c 2 54263 s s 53462 2 - 65432 - 23456 - - - a = F,F,F,F. b = I,V. c = B,F,I.

24 56 & 8 65, 2 09876543, little bell/cyclic music (161 LB4, 99 LB5, 47 LB6, 15 LB7) off back; 12 098765 (inc backrounds), 5 098756, 3 7890, 2 34567890, little bell/cyclic music (93 LB4, 54 LB5, 25 LB6, 11 LB7) off front; 23456 course in full (twice, & 25 leads in total), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 22nd Dec 2015.
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5004 Vennington Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 674)

23456 M W X H 43526 - a - 24365 - b - 32465 - - (64523) - - c 35426 - - 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = I,V. b = sV,s2,H,s7,sF. c = B,V,F,B. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

23 56 & 20 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (148 LB4, 89 LB5, 34 LB6) off back; 16 098765 (inc backrounds), 12 098756, 8 7890, 4 8790, 2 34567890, little bell music (112 LB4, 73 LB5, 30 LB6) off front; 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), 17 leads of 64523 course.
Rung at Hornchurch on Sat 8th Oct 2016.
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5056 Victoria Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 579)

23456 M W X H 34256 - 2 25346 - - 35426 - - a 56423 - 2 24365 - - - 3 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - X = B,F,I. a = I,V. For methods with 32 rows per lead.

18 each 56 & 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (85 LB4, 66 LB5, 30 LB6) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 16 098756, little bell music (92 LB4, 67 LB5, 28 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 24365 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), 64523 course in full, most (8 leads) of 65432 course.
Also contains 8 09s when rung to this method!
Rung at Saltby on Tue 26th Nov 2013.
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5004 Wandering Wye Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 554)

23456 M W X H 35426 - a 34256 - - 2 53246 - 24365 s s - 32465 - - 64523 - - (63254) - b 45236 - - - 23456 - - X = B,F,I. a = I,V. b = sV,s2,s7,sF. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

24 56 & 16 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (141 LB4, 93 LB5, 40 LB6, 12 LB7) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 10 098756, 3 7890, 2 8790, 2 34567890, little bell music (94 LB4, 68 LB5, 29 LB6, 10 LB7) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads each in total), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Rung at Wallingford on Sat 22nd Sep 2018.
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5040 Wyevale Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 776)

23456 M W X H 52364 2 s s 24365 - 2 32465 - - 64523 - - 35426 - - 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I.

18 each 56 & 65, 100 7890, 29 67890, 6 each 567089, 569780, 657089 & 659780, little bell music (98 LB4, 59 LB5, 22 LB6, 7 LB7) off back; 60 0987, 4 098765 (inc backrounds), 2 8790, little bell music (85 LB4, 31 LB5, 11 LB6, 4 LB7) off front; 24365 course in full (3 times, & 27 leads in total), 23456 course in full (twice, & 26 leads in total), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Also true to Lincolnshire S, Swindon S, Yorkshire S.
Rung at Chepstow on Sat 16th Nov 2019.
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5040 Wykeham Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 548)

23456 M W X H 52436 - 24365 s s 2 32465 - - 64523 - - 25346 - - 35426 - - a 23456 - - 3 X = B,F,I. a = I,V. For methods with 36 rows per lead.

24 each 56 & 65, 2 09876543, little bell music (104 LB4, 58 LB5, 30 LB6) off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 16 098756, 2 34567890, little bell music (76 LB4, 57 LB5, 28 LB6) off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times, & 27 leads each in total), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Rung at Beeston on Sat 2nd Feb 2013.
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5000 Xanthus Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 390)

23456 M W X H 34256 - 2 24365 - a - 32465 - - 64523 - - 53246 - - 2 23456 2 - a = sV,s2,6,H,s7,sF. X = B,F,I.

23 56 & 20 65, little bell music off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 6 7890, little bell music off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times each), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Also true to Yorkshire S.
Rung at Shrewsbury,St Mary the Virgin on Thu 29th Dec 2005.
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5040 Yorkgate Alliance Royal
by Ian Butters (No 809)

23456 M W H 43652 F,F,F,F. - 56342 I,B,6,F. - 32465 - - 2 64523 - - 35426 - - (23456) - 23456 B,F,I. 3 For methods with 36 rows per lead.

18 56 & 12 65, 90 7890, 30 67890, 2 09876543, little bell music (157 LB4, 79 LB5, 36 LB6) off back; 54 0987, 6 9780, 24 09876, 16 098765 (inc backrounds), 10 098756, 2 34567890, little bell music (113 LB4, 66 LB5, 31 LB6) off front; 23456 course in full (twice, & 25 leads in total), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Rung at Saltby on Tue 26th Jul 2022.
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5080 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 258)

234567890 7 F B M W V H 23497568 - - - - 23495678 - - - 24365978 - - 2 243659078 - 324659807 - - 243657890 - 2 62345 - 25346 - 2 23456 - 2 All calls refer to tenor position.

10 56 & 14 65 off back; 6 7890 off front; 23 leads of 24365 course.
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5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 327)

234567890 M W V H (234569078) B. - (234567089) 3 2 342567890 F,I. 2 53246 - 43265 s s 3 65234 s - 23456 s - - All calls refer to tenor position.

18 each 56 & 65, 18 650987, little bell music off back; 18 7890, backrounds, little bell music off front; 23456 course in full (5 times), 24365 course in full.

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5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 328)

23456789 M W V 2 H 42356 - 35294768 s s s s - 23594768 3 - 23594786 s 52364789 s - 32465 - 3 64523 - - 23456 - 2 2

18 each 56 & 65, 18 650987, little bell music off back; 24 7890, backrounds, little bell music off front; 23456 course in full (twice), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
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5000 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 400A)

23456 M W H 34256 a 2 25346 - - 43652 - - 52364 b - s s 32465 - 3 64523 - - 32546 - - - 23456 c - - - For 5000 omit either a or b. a = B,F,I. b = I,B,F. c = sV,s2,s7,sF.

19 56 & 18 65, 2 09876543 (if b block is called), little bell music off back; 6 098765 (inc backrounds), 2 34567890 (if b block is called), little bell music off front; 23456 course in full (3 times, if a block is called), 24365 course in full, most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
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5040 Zamora Surprise Royal
by Ian Butters (No 33)

23456 w M W X H 42356 - - 36245 - - - 2 24365 - - 32465 - ? 2 part, omitting both X in part 2. Lower case letters are half-lead equivalent calls (w=?). X = B,F,I.

18 each 56 & 65, little bell music off back; 20 7890 off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times).
Rung at Lockington on Thu 13th Dec 1984.
Composition published in: Ten Bell Comps(2004).
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5000 Zealand Delight Royal
by Ian Butters (No 389)

23456 M W X H 42356 - - 54326 - (56234) - a 24365 - - 2 32465 - - 64523 - - 23456 - 2 2 a = sV,s2,s7,sF. X = B,F,I.

18 each 56 & 65, little bell music off back; 18 098765 (inc backrounds), 4 7890, little bell music off front; 23456 & 24365 courses in full (3 times each), most (8 leads) of 64523 course.
Also true to Yorkshire S.
Rung at Brecon,Cath on Sat 27th Oct 2007.
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