5096 Jovium Alliance Major 234567 W M V H
34256 2
53462 - B,B,F,I. -
45236 F,I.
(45362) - B.
(64352) - I,B,F.
56342 - B,F,I.
473526 - 3 -
463725 3 -
453627 I,B,F. -
(237465) F.
234567 3 I. -
For methods with 28 rows per lead.
A simple rearrangement of comp no 878 that
groups the 5867 & 7568 courses together. 34 crus (inc 21 56 & 0 65), 21 each 5867, 7568 & 8765, little bell music (128 LB4, inc 21 each 3456, 4567, 5432 & 7654, 41 LB5, 11 LB6, 4 LB7) off back; 12 each 5678 & 8765 (inc backrounds), 6 each 6578 & 8756, 4 7568, little bell music (85 LB4, 23 LB5, 10 LB6, 4 LB7) off front.
by Ian Butters (No 878A)
Rung at Stretton on Thu 11th Apr 2024.
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